12; mission #1

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✄present day

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present day

The masked men entered the bank with their guns pointed at the civilians and workers. These men looked completely different and intimidating. One man was extremely buff, he had an owl mask with a red and white jacket. Another one was not as buff as the first man, he had a blue hoodie and a Jason mask. The third man had a bunny hoodie with a grey bandana wielding an omega symbol covering his mouth, and the fourth man was tall, and had a surgeon's mask over his lower face.

"Everybody get down! Nobody move!" The man with the owl mask yelled, moving towards the other pedestrians. Without mercy, the man in the Jason mask and blue hoodie shot the lady behind the desk.

"What the hell was that for, Delirious?" The owl- person yelled, turning back to the killer of the bank's worker. The other two men raced to the safes, breaching them and grabbing money and shoving money into the bags.

"She was going for the button, I couldn't let that happen," The man with the blue hoodie answered watching the scared people on the floor.

An explosion was heard, coming from the upstairs of the bank.

"Did she press the button?!" The man in the bunny hoodie asked nervously, but it was masked by a thick layer of confidence. The civilians screamed in fear and voices were heard upstairs.

Delirious ran behind the desk trying to disabled the button in any way possible.


"Okay ladies, Emily and I will head downstairs in the back, we'll see what precious treasure awaits us," Stefanie spoke, her smirk hidden under her black surgeon mask, a sign telling she was the group's nurse. The 4 women in the masquerade masks split were now split into 2 groups.

Stefanie and Emily headed downstairs towards the money in the safes, only to be stopped by two men with guns.

Meanwhile, Elena and Rianne were facing the men that kept the civilians in check.

"Who the fuck are you guys?" The man in the owl mask questioned, pointing his gun at the the woman in the phoenix themed mask.

"Just a couple of friends, stopping by to check on you, Vanoss," Elena answered, her hand resting on her hip. Her smart remark earned a growl from Vanoss.

"Take her out, Delirious," Vanoss said.

The man in the blue hoodie pointed his gun at Elena's head.

With quick reflexes, Elena turned, grabbing the gun from Delirious and punched him in the chest. Delirious groaned but then swung his arm, punching Elena in the jaw.

Vanoss still pointed his gun at Rianne, not willing to move.

"So tell me why you're here again."

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