Mt. Ebbot (Part 1)

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(Kirei's POV)
My friends and I hiked up Mt. Ebbot. Everyone knows that whoever climbs up this mountain never returns. Well, sometimes Celine is stupid. She made us go up there. I guess my little sister, Kichi, was excited, too. I wasn't. I wasn't much of a risk taker, like Celine. But, I already told you, I had no choice.
Jade was also up to this. I glanced at Jade leading, with Celine trailing behind. Suddenly, Jade goes off the path into the woods. She is a weird girl. One time, she licked someone's shoe...
Jade goes into the dense forest and disappeared. I panicked.
"Jade! Come back! It's dangerous!" I shouted. It was no use. Once Jade has a mind on one thing, it is impossible to make her get off it. Celia leaned into me.
"Jade won't listen to you," she whispered. "We need to follow her."
This was really bad, especially on this mountain. I could predict that Jade was going to get lost.
"Okay...". I heard someone's voice. I turned towards it. The speaker was Celine. "JADE!" she screamed. Then, she marched off the direction that Jade disappeared.
"Hey, wait!" came another voice. I saw Kichi, my sister, running to follow Celine. I face palmed myself. There was four people left. Celia, Storm, Minyoung, and me.
"Come on guys," started Storm. "We-". Then, Celia interrupted her.
"Have no choice." I saw Storm smile at her.
Celia and Storm lead the way, and Minyoung and I followed.

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