A Talking Flower and The Guardian of The Ruins (Part 1)

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(Jade's POV)
I was still falling. I fell and I fell. I don't know who was falling above me. All I knew is that I scared Celine off the cliff. I giggled to myself.
Finally, I could see the ground. It came up me. I was going to land in a golden flower patch.
"Oof." The landing hurt a little, but none of my body was injured. Suddenly, a weight landed on me. "Ow," I groaned. I felt the person get off me.
"Sorry," said the voice. It was Celine. Of course it was Celine. "Are you okay?"
"No," I answered. "It hurts a lot. LIKE A LOT!"

(Celine's POV)
Once I got off Jade, I saw Kirei and Kichi falling. They were hugging each other, as if they were going to die. Well, that was expected. "Ahhhhhhh!" they screamed. Then, I noticed that they were going to fall upon Jade. I tried to warn her, but it was too late.
Kirei landed first. She winced in pain. "Ow, ow, ow, ow," groaned Jade. Kichi rolled off Kirei onto the ground, beside Jade. She stood up and dusted herself.
I didn't notice Minyoung until the last second. She fell onto Kirei. Kirei groaned. "OUCH!" screamed Jade, who was the "pillow" for everyone.
"Sorry Jade, sorry Kirei," said Minyoung quickly, trying to get off them.
"It o-" started Kirei, but Storm landed on Minyoung that exact moment.
Minyoung, Kirei, and Jade all screamed, "OW!" at the same time.
"Sorry," apologized Storm. "I could help but fall on you, literally." While Minyoung groaned at the joke, I giggled.
Before Minyoung could fire back, Celia landed on Storm. "Owowowowow," muttered Storm.
"Ugh," groaned Jade.
"Sorry," said Celia, getting off. She grabbed Storm's arm, and pull her off of Minyoung. Minyoung rolled off like Kichi. I was surprised that everyone fell. I guess the story was correct. Anyone who went up Mt. Ebbot never returned. Well, this would be quite an adventure.
"No more," said Jade getting up. Jade stood up and walked forward to a sunflower. Weirdly, it had a face. But, then, she tripped on a rock, landing on the flower.

  But, then, she tripped on a rock, landing on the flower

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"You idiot," shouted a voice under Jade. "Get your stupid butt off me!"
Jade rolled to the side. Standing in her place was the sunflower with a face.
"Woah!" exclaimed Celia. "A talking flower."
"I would say 'Howdy!' but I'm not going to anymore," said the sunflower.
"I'm sure we are all fine with that," commented Celia.
"Well. I'm Flowey the Flower," introduced the sunflower. "You're new to the underground aren't ya?"
"Obviously," I said.
"Mhm," Minyoung nodded.
"Duh," Kichi exaterated.
"No," lied Storm. "We've fatally been here before."
The sunflower called Flowey squinted at Storm, but soon turned back to normal. "Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here. I guess little old me would have to do."
"How are you scientifically possible," asked Celia. Flowey ignored her.
"This is your soul... I mean these are."
Suddenly, heart came out of everyone's body. Mine was scarlet, Jade's was lime, Kirei's was turquoise, Kichi's was dark gray, Minyoung's was cream, Storm's was gold, and Celia's was starlight.
This is the very culmination of your being," Flowey explained.  "Your soul starts off weak, but can go strong if you gain a lot of 'LV.'  What does 'LV' stand for?  Why, love of course!  Down Here LOVE is shared with these... 'friendliness pellets.'  Are you ready? Go and try to get them all!"
"Sketchy," muttered Celia.
The white petals came towards us.  I avoided one, and saw Jade running up to get another.  Without thinking much, I made a fist and tried to punch Flowey.  I should have paid more attention to Jade.  I didn't notice that she was heading for a petal that was between me and Flowey.  You know what happened next.  I accidentally punched Jade.  Jade fell on the pellet and it electrocuted her.
"Ouch," exclaimed Jade as she fell onto the ground.  "Love hurts!"
The rest of us dodged the petals like a normal person would. We all looked at flowey to see what happens next. Flowey's friendly face changed into a scary and evil grin.
"You IDIOTS" Flowey growled.  "In this world it's kill or be killed."
"Why am I the only one getting hurt," cried Jade.
"Die!" shouted Flowey.
Suddenly, the whites pellet surrounded us.  Instinctively, we turned to white pellets, our backs facing one another.  As the circle closed on us, we squished together trying our best not to die.
"We're screwed," Storm said with jazz hands.
"Oh shoot," Celia muttered.  "OH SHOOT, OH SHOOT!"
"Yay!" Jade exclaimed happily.  "We are all going to hurt now.  I face palmed myself, and so die the others.
When we were at the brink of dying, a fireball hit Flowey.  Confused we spread out looking for who ever hit him.  "We're not go no to die!" exclaimed Kichi.
"Now, I can't punch that stupid flower," I muttered.  I was frustrated about that.  I saw a new monster.  It was white goat.  She was wearing a purple dress and standing on two paws.

"What a terrible creature torturing such a poor, innocent youth," said the goat

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"What a terrible creature torturing such a poor, innocent youth," said the goat.  "Ah, do not be afraid my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins.  I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down.  You are the fir- I mean umm... Well, anyways, come, I will guide you through the catacombs."  The goat named Toriel walk towards an purple arch. 
"Can we trust her?" I asked the others.
"Probably," Celia answered.  "She saved us."
"I hope so," murmured Storm. He attempted to catch up with Toriel, but tripped on nothing and fell on his knees.  I giggled.  "Shoot."
"Adios," Kichi said running towards Toriel.  But, Kirei caught her by her shirt.
"Goat mom!" Jade exclaimed running to Toriel.  Then, she gave the goat a back hug.  I could see Toriel stagger surprised, but relaxed letting Jade hug her.
The rest caught up with Toriel.  "This way," said the goat.  Everyone trailed her except Jade who was now on the back of Toriel.

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