DUMMY! or Dummies...? (Part 1)

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(Storm's POV)

After Celia told us about Flowey, everyone began to be cautious and followed Toriel. Toriel led us into a room with a dummy.

 Does she want us to beat it up? Or perhaps, flirt with it? I felt a smile creep up my face and then Toriel started speaking

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Does she want us to beat it up? Or perhaps, flirt with it? I felt a smile creep up my face and then Toriel started speaking.                             
"Well then, my little ones. As a human living in the underground, monsters may attack you. Yo-"
Celia interrupted her. "Who said we were going to live here? We want to get out of here as soon as possible."
Toriel looked at Celia with a surprised look. "My child, you will understand in time why you must live here. This is an important lesson." Then Toriel continued. "When monsters come to attack you, you will need to be prepared for this situation. However, worry not! The process is simple. When you encounter a monster, you will enter a FIGHT."
Celine cracked her knuckles. "When you are in a FIGHT. strike up a friendly conversation. Stall for time. I will come to resolve the conflict." The look on Celine's face remained. She seemed not to care for what Toriel said. She was going to beat up the monsters and I knew it. "Practice talking to the dummy, one at a time."

(Celia's POV)
Seriously? Talking to a dummy..? Isn't that impossible or at least awkward?
"I don't think that's possible." I told Toriel. However, Kirei ignored my statement and stepped up to face the dummy.
"Hi... umm.. How do you do.?" She asked the dummy awkwardly. The dummy, as I expected, just blankly stared at Kirei and did nothing. Toriel smiled at Kirei.
"Ah, very good! You are very good." Toriel complimented her. "Who's next?" She asked us.
Celine stepped up with her mischievous smile. Well we all knew what was going to happen . Suddenly a slightly transparent scarlet katana appeared in Celine's hand! That was unexpected.
Where did she get that katana? I began thinking. Since her katana was the same color with her soul the weapon must have been summoned from Celine's soul!
Celine slashed the dummy with her katana and the dummy turned into dust. The dust dissolved and right afterwards her katana dissolved too. Classic Celine, always attacking.
I face-palmed and laughed, "Celine!" I said. However, Toriel looked unpleased. "Ahh, dummies are not for fighting!" She scolded Celine. "They are for talking! I better get a new one."
Questions started to fill my mind. "How many dummies do you have? And how did that turn to dust?" I asked the guardian.
Ignoring my questions Toriel walked out of the entrance. We waited for her to come back in awkward silence. Kichi, breaking the silence, asked Celine, "how did you do that?" Kirei gave her little sister a death glare.
"Somehow." Celine replies bluntly.
"You probably hit it hard enough to make it turn to dust." I answered Kichi's question. "I wonder if.... never mind." Would monsters turn into dust too?
Well, right now is not the time to think about that. A few seconds later, Goat mom returned with a new dummy. She sweeped the dust of the previous dummy and replaced it with the new one.
"Who is next?" Toriel asked us.
"ME ME ME!" Kichi shouted excitedly. She approached the dummy. Then, she suddenly yelled, "YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE A BUTT!!!" while pointing at the dummy.
If that dummy was real, it would have been very offended. Toriel stared at Kichi like she was crazy. (Toriel: who raised this child?! Kirei: I don't know to be honest..)
"....well... umm.. who's next?" The goat asked.
"Umm.. I'll go.." Minyoung said quietly. She walked up to the dummy.
"Hi..umm..you look nice today...?" Minyoung complimented the dummy awkwardly. Toriel had a proud smile on her face.
"Excellent, my child!" She praised Minyoung."Hm, how about you, the one with the red scarf next?" Oh, she must be talking about Storm.
"Only for you sweetie." Storm flirted. Oh, Storm. You're like twenty or thirty years younger than her!  Storm approached the dummy and stared into its button eyes. The dummy stared back. Well, that's the only thing it could do. The staring contest went on for a while, and I knew what Storm was going to say. After a few seconds later, he said,"I'm lost in your eyes." The dummy, blushing extremely, fled. How did that happen?!? Was that dummy alive?!
"...It seems that I have to get another dummy. Wait here my children." Toriel instructed us. She left the room and returned with a new dummy.
"Hey, how many dummies do have?" I re-asked her.
"Quite a few, my child." The guardian replied. I looked around to see if anyone else was going to volunteer. However, I saw no one stepping up so I decided to volunteer.
"Well, I guess it's my turn now." I approached the dummy. I couldn't really think of anything to say, so I just used one of the basic conversation starters.
"So.. what's up.. dummy.?" I asked the dummy awkwardly. Toriel seemed pleased with my conversation starter.
"Wonderful, my chi-" she was going to compliment me, but was interrupted by Jade.
"NOW IT'S MY TURN!!" Jade yelled excitedly. She approached the dummy and hugged it.
"Let me feel your muscles." Jade flirted with the dummy. The dummy, like the previous one, fled with a blush on its face. Toriel just stared at Jade with a uncertain expression. We're or at least Jade, Storm, Kichi are probably the most strangest humans she has ever encountered.
".....Well all of you did a wonderful job. That... however is only a dummy. It cannot harm you. It is made of cotton. It has no desire for revenge... Nevermind. Stay close to me and I will keep you all safe." Toriel told us and we entered the next room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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