The Puzzles of the Ruins (Part 1)

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(Minyoung's POV)
We were following Toriel through the ruins. I didn't really feel good... I was so scared.
"To make progress here, you will need to trigger several switches," informed Toriel after we went through the front entrance. "Do not worry, I have labeled the ones that you need to flip." There was a hallways, and there were two switches with a ton of yellow arrows pointed at them.  The third one remained blank.
"SWITCHES ARE FOR THE WEAK!" exclaimed Jade, running across the hallway ignoring all the switches.
"Be careful, my child," warned Toriel.  Obviously Jade ignored her. I sighed and walked up to one of the labeled switch. I could also see Kirei walking up to the other labeled switch.
"I think you're supposed to flick the switch first Jade." Kirei told Jade.  However, like always Jade payed no attention to her and leaped on the spikes.
"My child!!" Toriel shouted with concern."Jade!!" The others and I yelled at Jade. Storm face palmed.
"Are you okay?" Kirei asked with a worried tone.
"She's always okay." Celia said before Jade could reply.
"Maybe..?" Jade replied afterwards as she rolled off the spikes.
"That was awesome!" Kichi exclaimed. Kirei gave her little sister a death glare. "But dangerous" Kichi finishes her sentence. Jade sits in front of the spikes after that little incident and realized that she rolled off the spikes on the other side of the room.
"Hey look! I'm on the other side!"Jade shouted.
"Then wait for us!" I shouted
Kirei and I both flick the switch. I heard a click sound, which is probably the sound of the spikes deactivating.
"Splendid! I am proud of all of you, little ones." Toriel praised us. "Let us move to the next room." We followed Toriel to the next room. While we were walking I heard Celia screech from behind.
"Guys I think I saw flowey following us.." Celia whispered to us.
'Now I'm really scared.'

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