A cursefree life

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The Turner's built Carina an observatory.  One worthy of any of the great astronomers. Which Henry often reminded her she belonged among them, though she denied it. 

 That was the plan, mind you. But with the limited supplies on the island, and anything they could trade with passing ships, it wasn't as grand as Henry had wanted it to be. But Carina loved it nonetheless.

It was a dome shaped room, with a library filled with charts and any book they could get their hands on. The constellations were painted on  the roof, and could be turned to match what it showed in the sky that season. The balcony held a few chairs and the best telescope they could find.  The room just below was Carina's, though she spent most of her time in the observatory. Either studying or finding new constellations and nebulas.

Or as a sanctuary from her reoccurring nightmares. 

She'd awake from visions of ghosts. Ghosts that had only pieces of their bodies. Ghosts that spit dark ink as they spoke. And their captain, the revenge driven Spaniard that possessed Henry, and tried to kill Jack. 

And the first and last moment she saw her father.

So Carina would climb the ladder to the observatory, and run to the balcony to get some fresh air and rid herself of the visions. 

One night, however, she found she wasn't the only one on the balcony.  There was Will, sitting on one of the chairs. She tried to dry her tears before he saw her, but he knew why she was out here.

"Another nightmare?" He asked, not looking behind him. His tone was kind, fatherly. Which made her only want to cry again. "Its alright. I have them, too."

So every night there nightmares appeared, they'd sit under the stars and share what they saw. Will would tell her of his, of the fish people that haunted him and the captain that fulfilled his duties prior to him. It was conforting for the both of them. 

Until one night, when Carina shared that she'd seen a flooded cave filled with treasure and skeletons, a place she somehow felt her father often visited. 

 Wills face went pale. Not only did he know the name of this place, he too had seen it just that night.

And that is where ourr story begins

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