Chapter 7

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                     Mikaelson Mansion Mystic Falls, Virginia 10:45 a.m.
                                         A month and a half later

It has been a month and a half since Klaus and Bella broke their curse and since then things have changed. For one Klaus undaggered his siblings and loves them. With Elijah she can enjoy the peace and quite with him, as well as reading together and talking while having tea. With Finn, well with Finn they don't really do anything together. With Kol they cause mischief and play pranks on the scooby  gang, which is quite fun. With Rebekah they talk about the latest fashion and all the other girly things. Secondly, Bella moved in with the Mikaelsons and has been making her bond stronger with her beloved Klaus. And thirdly, she has also been feeling sick and since she decided to go see her father without telling Nik about her worries as she didn't want to worry him.

So after Bella got dressed and fixed her hair so it was tumbling in curls down her back she set off for her father's house after saying bye to Klaus and the others.

             Salvatore Boarding House Mystic Falls, Virginia 11:30 a.m

As Bella walked in the boarding house she saw her father sitting in his favorite chair drinking bourbon. When Damon saw his daughter he got up and hugged her.

"Hey daddy, I need to talk to you." Bella told her father while he looked at her worried as he knew something was wrong.

When both father and daughter had sat down Bella began telling him about how she has been sick the past couple of weeks, while Damon sat there's worried because it sounded like how it was when Isabelle was pregnant, but Bella being pregnant was impossible.

"Why don't we go see Dr.Vanderbilt then." Damon suggested to her.

Dr.Xavier Vanderbilt was a supernatural doctor as he was a werewolf. He owned a little doctors office in town and had a witch make it until only supernatural could see it.

                Dr.Vanderbilt's Office Mystic Falls, Virginia 1:00 p.m

At Dr.Vanderbilt's office he checked her over and took some of her blood to put it through some tests. After waiting for about an hour he came back with news that shocked Damon, Bella, and the doctor himself.

"Well Bella it looks like you are three weeks pregnant.........

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