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Nowadays. Its hard to differentiate what's wrong and what's right
he bought his first mansion after his first sin
he bought his first mansion. When he first prayed
They say the end never justify the means and I choose to listen
no matter how hard I try it seems like I can't move
and when I look to the side I see him in a Porsche 911
then I remember do not covet or you wont see heaven
trust and hope are my ABC's
Prayer to be elevated. To levels no one sees
even in this confused nation I choose to stick on the sunny side
Waiting. For that one ride
that will take me to places beyond my troubles
and in all my sorrows I will triumph
Success never comes on a silver Platter
So I wont sit down and wait on Him
I shall seek and I will find
I shall ask and ill be given
I shall knock and the doors shall open
because. I'm His son He shall guide me for I know noweth right path
And in the valley of death He'll be with me
For His word is a lamp to my feet
and light to my path

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