No 70.

26 1 0

Not by my own understanding but somehow am living,
though half dead I need some saving,
too much of the same insane thing,
I need some changing,
in my sinful heart filled with earthly desires
and my thoughts full of materialistic imaginations,
for I am your image do with thine whatever thy pleases,
please reach in unto me and find that what pleases you,
and if none take me as I am and teach me to be like you,
for I surrender all unto you,
show me your ways and thy path I shall follow,
teach me your ways and in you I shall grow,
cover me with your grace,
make them see you when they see me,give me a Godly face,
blind me by your grace,
win it all for me and the entire human race,
just say one word to me and all my fears are gone with no trace
coz you are Alpha and Omega,
and I believe in YOU.

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