Tip 10: Ending Your Story

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Tip 10: Ending Your Story


+ Have them going strong for 10 chapters and in the last chapter, they have a fight about something pointless
Example: There's only three pieces of bread left and they both crave a good ole sammich so they fight to the death to decide who gets the sammy. Because, you know, it is way too hard for them to hop into their cars and drive to their friendly corner store to get some more.

+ Have no source of danger (disease, gangs, vicious werewolf gang) and in the last chapter, they just appear out of thin air.
Example: They are going in to get a checkup for the girl because she's like 3 months pregnant (your book better have been in the span of like 10 years if she's pregnant, unless this is an epilogue- and if it is, you're just cruel) and they get beat up by a gang that's 'had it out for the guy for years' while they're waiting in the waiting room.

+ Have one of them cheat on the other without the intentions of writing a sequel. Do I need to give an example of this? DO I?

+ Put one of the main characters into a coma. Need I say more?

+ Drop it like it's hot, but you never pick it back up again.  I've read way too many stories where this happens. JUST PICK IT UP. 


+ Make the characters live happily ever after

+ Have them break up for a valid reason

+ Don't indefinitely say whether or not they worked out

+ Kill off the character(s) in a way that MAKES SENSE

Beware that you can't please everyone. Consider writing a sequel but don't pressure yourself into doing it if you don't want to and if you don't think it'll do good. Also, avoid writing a sequel if it won't do the book justice. 

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