I̸'̸m̸ h̸e̸r̸e̸ f̸o̸r̸ y̸o̸u̸

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|M/n pov|
About a week passed since my first battle and my neck is still sore for the chocking I got.
"M/n are you ready?"

"Yeah I guess.."Today is a very painful day...it's the day my mother passed and frankly I don't think I want to leave the house but for the sake of my sanity and health I'll go.
"You okay M/n?"

"Not exactly sure but I'll manage,see you later..."Reno gave me a quick hug and said have a nice day.
~time skip~
I was hella late to first period today,didn't really care.I took my seat next to Adrien and said nothing.
"M/n...you seem broken today what's wrong?"

"I'll tell you after class."
~Time skip to lunch~
"So what's wrong...M/n?"

"It's my mother's birthday...I woke up this morning thinking I was going to celebrate it with her but...."

"I understand how you feel...you know what let's skip the rest of class and Do something!"I was ready to protest but The Blondy pulled me into the school to get out stuff and we ran back out.
"Never knew you had a bad boy side~"I cooed and gripped his hand as we ran.

|Adrien pov|
I hate seeing him sad!And I should ask his what happened to his neck...hmm maybe tomorrow...
I pulled him down the sidewalk and stopped in-front of my favorite Cafe!
"They sell Rainbow waffles here!"

"R-really?!"M/n yelled with Sparkling E/c hues and now it was his turn to drag me inside.We took our seats and ordered.
"M-m/n I have something t-to tell you something..."I reached over and touched his hand.Alright...I've been preparing for this!
"I-I Love you and I'm here for you when ever you need someone!"

"I'm glad,I love you too kitten~"M/n leaned over the table and pecked my lips.
"Thanks for cheering me up"The waiter walked over with a blush
"E-Enjoy!"He placed our food and drinks down and ran off.
"I kinda forgot were in a cafe..."

"I didn't~Now say Ahh~"He held a piece of the waffles and waited for me to eat it.I could feel my face burning but went with it.
"A-Ah"He then feed me the fluffy rainbow waffle.
We spent the whole day walking around Paris hand and hand.
"Don't we have work today?"

"Luckily we don't,Hey you wanna come over to my place for a bit?"I nod and we make our way to his flat.
"Reno?"M/n yelled but there was no reply so we walked all the way in.
"Welcome to my living room,now let's go to my room~"My heart throbbed as we walked to his room.

|M/n pov|
Adrien blushed the whole time.since he didn't know how to make origami I taught him.We also got caught up on this week's homework and finished it,so for the rest of this week we can relax.After that I turned on the TV and we laid on my bed.I looked at the time to see it was pretty late.
"Hey Kitten?"

"....."I looked over at his face to see he was cuddling against me asleep.
Cute...I guess she was right...Mom I hope you approve of us....*sigh*I really Miss you...and I promise to be the life out of dad and that you won't approve of...
I pulled the cover over us and turned the TV off.
"Night kitten~"I kisses his forehead and drifted off into to sleep.

|Reno pov|
I hope he ate...I wounder if M/n and Adrien got together yet...
I was to far in my world I didn't notice the guy in front of me and we collided and I fell back.

I was to far in my world I didn't notice the guy in front of me and we collided and I fell back

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"Are you alright?"The unknown man's voice smooth yet deep.I looked up to see a mop of red hair and E/c hues.
His eyes reminds me of M/n...
"I-I'm fine..."

"Good.Someone as beautiful as you should be careful~Oh where are my manners,I'm Jugo park."The world around me froze at the last name.
"My dad disappeared...I got one letter from him saying he would come home...but the Bastard never did and left my mother heart broken..."
I couldn't believe it...this was the Father of M/n..the one that abandoned him and his mother..
There has to be a reason for that..maybe I should ask.
"I'm Reno Caelum"

"Latin?"I nod when he guessed my origin.
"I'm sorry if this may come off odd but...Do you have a son?"His eyes widened slightly but went back to normal.
"Yes...I was told so...thing is I don't remember much of my past,I was in a train wreck and ended up in a Eight year coma.I woke up about two years ago."Holy Fuck...M/n has been mad at his father For so long and this guy has been in a coma this whole time!
"You need to come with me now!"I grabbed his wrist and pulled him with me.
"Wait why?"

"I know your son!And you might want to be on guard because he might punch you in the face."Once again he was shocked.
I unlocked the door and let go of Juzo's wrist and ran straight to M/n's room only to find him sleep with Adrien next to him.
"faex!"[Shit in Latin]

"My my Cursing isn't the way to go~"

"I got some more wanna hear em?"He throws his hands up.I was really hoping he would be up but the plus side is he and Adrien are a thing and I found his father..
"Uhhh sorry for dragging ya here..."

"It's fine but my flat is on the other side of town."

"I Have an extra room,your welcome to stay."He takes up my offer and I lead him there said good night and went to my own room.ugh he must think I'm insane!What were you thinking!
I scolded myself mentally as I got ready for bed.I mean he is kinda...scratch that he's the sexiest man I've seen in year!I haven't been laid in two years!
I plopped on the bed and pulled up my cover over myself and hoped for the best.Please M/n don't punch you confused father in the face...I like his face!And please remember...I'm here for you...

T̸o̸ b̸e̸ c̸o̸n̸t̸i̸n̸u̸e̸d̸

A/n-Sorry I haven't been updating this story!I've kinda been working on some in my draft such as👇

A/n-Sorry I haven't been updating this story!I've kinda been working on some in my draft such as👇

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Another Yuri X Seme!reader
And updating other stores I have.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter like always~


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