New Changes

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A/N: I changed this around a bit, I changed the main characters. The new cover is in the works. Comment. Fan. Vote. Mwah! -MAci

My name is Ronnie Telford. I'm twenty three years old. My life has never been normal. I couldn't begin to even tell you what normal even feels like. When my mom died, I was eight. It was hell for me and, I was stuck living with my dad and no mom to help guide me through life, help me with female problems and dating. Dad didn't have the slightest clue on where to start, to raise me.

So he did the only thing he could do. He packed us up and moved us to Northern Ireland.

Belfast, Ireland.

He continued to take part in motorcycle club called Sons of Anarchy, and I continued to grow up only knowing one way to live. The way of the club. When I was ten my dad got re-married to his wife Fiona Larkin, and a year later my little sister Kerrianne was born. She was the cutest little baby in the world.

When I turned eighteen we moved back to Charming. California. It was hard leaving my little sister behind. But we didn't even have a choice. Everything I started creating I lost. Because of someone the sons pissed off, and he took my step-mom and sister. My dad never bothered getting a house for us.

We officially moved into the clubhouse. I hated living here at first but after the first year, I go used to it.

I tried to get a job at a local bar, my dad flipped out on me and my Uncle Tig took it upon himself to follow me there every day until the owner decided that he no longer had room for me. I hated him.

It was back to working in the garage, for the rest of my natural born life. When I was twenty we got a new Mechanic, Juan Carlos Ortiz. He quickly patched in so I seen him less and less but he, he was so perfect.

No not was is perfect. Things started to get crazy around the clubhouse. I tried my hardest to not get involved in this shit. But it's just so hard when every time they did something wrong the enemies came after me. I've been kidnapped four times, I was raped once, and almost killed the last two times. I can't take this anymore.

But no matter where I go, I'm always going to have a huge target on my back.

So today, I am never allowed to leave the lot without a prospect or a patch member, it gets really old, I've even tried to ditch them, and I've succeeded more than I've failed, so now when I go somewhere...Happy follows me.

I love that dude, but he's scary as fuck, and I'd rather not piss him off. Family or not, he will shoot me.

Sitting at the desk in Gemma's office I sort through all the paper work from the day. I go out for three hours, and when I come back everything is screwed up. I don't know how they work. Ever, they're so messy.

"Doll face, your dad is going on a run, he sent me to keep an eye on ya since Hap is going with him." Tig says from behind me, leaning against the door way.

I sigh. I was hoping to have the afternoon baby sitter free. I'm so tired lately I just want to rest. "Fantastic. I'm not going anywhere. Just to my room to sleep."

"Well then I'll be in the bar if ya need me. Don't ya, try to sneak out on me. Your dad will be pissed if you do." I shake my head as he starts to turn. I close the filing cabinet and I look at him. "I promise. I won't run." He shakes his head and leaves.

I sit and file more paper work for about an hour, until it's completely filed and put away. I rub my small bump, which I'm trying my best to hide. I grab my phone and head inside and into the apartments.

I pull my keys out and open the door. "What are you doing?" Juice says from behind me scaring me. I place my hand over my heart to steady my breathing.

"Give a girl a little fucking warning asshole, make some fucking noise." I say to him and walk into my room. He follows me in closing the door behind him.

I watch him walk over and sit in the chair.

"What do you want Juice?" I ask politely and sit on the bed taking off my heels and massaging my sore feet. He looks at me and smiles before he says anything.

"I just miss you. You're avoiding me. Why? I don't know, but you are." I take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry?" I ask as a question, what does he want me to say?"

I'm avoiding him because I'm pregnant and I'm scared as hell. I don't know what to do. How am I supposed to tell him I'm pregnant and the baby is his?

I don't even know if he wants any kids, he never mentioned it. Plus my dad is going to flip his lid if he finds out Juice and I have been seeing each other behind everyone's backs.

Okay well not seeing more like fucking each other. That's all we really are, we're fuck buddies.

I won't ever be anyone's "Old Lady." I don't want it nor would my dad let it.

"I'm not trying to. I'm sorry." He stands and walks over to me. He places his hands on either side of my face, and before I can register what's going on his lips are on mine in a lip bruising kiss. I can't help but moan into the kiss.

"I like you girl. I don't want no one touching what belongs to me." I look at him shocked. First he's sounding like Happy with my best friend Jess, and I never thought that he would like me, ever.

"You..You like me?" He nods his head.

I smile. "I like you too Juice."

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