Kept Promises

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A/N: I really hope you are all enjoying this story! Comment's and Votes are nice. Helps keep me on my toes. Love you all.

Thank you Brookers for making my cover...Twice!


A month has come and gone, and true to his promise to my dad, he is staying away from me, and paying for every one of my doctor visits. It breaks my heart because I miss him so much. I miss his laughter and his gorgeous smile. I miss his personality, and the way his body looks hovering over top of me.

Today I decided that I am going to go to Jax and Sabal's house to get out for a while. I don't want to be in the clubhouse any longer with everyone constantly in and out. Jess didn't go home, instead she's been staying with Happy at his apartment, and I have barley seen her. Half the times it pisses me off.

So if I want to keep whatever sanity I have left intact. I need to get out of this house today.

I change into yoga pants and a black cotton knee length dress that hangs over my growing belly. Everyone knows about my pregnancy, and while they congratulate me and Juice on having a baby, they can't ever let my dad know that they are actually excited about a new baby coming into the SAMCRO family.

I choose to wear heals today and leave my hair up. I grab my phone and keys and make my way out to the lot. The guys are working in the garage, and they notice me going to my


"Where the hell are you going?" Juice says from behind me and I turn to glare at him.

"I'm going to Sabal's not that it's any of your damn business but I need to get the hell out of this place before I go nuts." I toss my arms in the air, fusterated.

"It' is my business, that's my kid you're pregnant with...if you're going to go do something

stupid that could get you both hurt or killed I have a fucking right to know!" I glare at him.

"Who the fuck do you think you are asshole! You are not the Juice I fucking fell in love with! You're turning into Happy, and I don't like it!" I yell at him.

I get in the car and slam it shut locking the door. Before he could do anything I quickly pull away.


The fucking bitch just compare me to Hap. I am nothing like him. I have done nothing but protect her and my kid. I am keeping my distance like I promise Chibs I would. But the bitch just keeps making things hard for me when I constantly have to check up on her to make sure she is okay.

I run my hands over my mohawk and sigh. "Fuck Man!" I yell to no one really.

"Little Lady giving you problems?" Bobby asks. I shake my head.

"No, not really I guess, she's just so damn mouthy with me lately, I want to snap her ass in half." I walk with him back to the garage before Gemma comes out and yells at us for not working.

I walk back to the stubborn cage that I was working on and slide back under the car.

"Yo Man, what are you going to do about the baby?" Kozik asks. I shrug my shoulders even though he can't see it.

"I don't know man...I'm not sure I am even ready to be a damn dad...I'm twenty eight.." I drain the oil and slide out from underneath to put fresh in.

" old was your ma, when she had you?" He has a point. But..with the lifestyle that I live...It's not a good one to raise a baby in.

I toss the tools on the table. "I know man, but this isn't the life I want to raise my kid in. I don't plan on leaving this club, but...I didn't plan on having a baby either. And Chibs made it VERY clear to me that I am not allowed to be around her, but I have to help take care of the kid. Her doctor bills are expensive and the kid isn't even here yet."

Tig shakes his head and leans against the door. "It's his daughter man, and you violated the one rule he asked every one of us to follow. No bedding his daughter."

I wipe my hands on the towel and walk past him going inside the clubhouse and to my apartment. I have to figure something out, because staying here around her...I can't do it.


He just irks me so fucking bad. I wanted so badly to shove my fist down his throat. But that wouldn't have solved anything. I pull into Sabal's driveway and park. I climb out and walk up the steps just as Jax is coming out of the house.

"Hey Ronnie. I didn't even know you were stopping by." He smiles at me. His smile is such a killer. It makes the girls panties drop. Not mine of course, but you know what I mean.

"Sorry, It's spur of the moment the clubhouse is driving me nuts and I needed a friend to talk too, since Happy stole Jess from me."

"It's a'ight darlin'. She's just feeding Abel some breakfast. He kisses my cheek and makes his way to the bike. He kicks up the kickstand and takes off towards the clubhouse.

I go inside and make my way to the kitchen. "Hey Sabes." I smile seeing her feeding Abel.

"Ronnie. I didn't know you were coming by momma. How are you feeling?" I shrug my shoulders.

I guess I am feeling okay. I am tired of being sick in the mornings and I am defiantly ready to find out the sex of my baby, which I will find out next month. I am pretty scared about being a mom, I really don't have a mom to talk to or guide me thorough these kinds of things, so I have no choice but to turn to a mother herself, Sabal. Abel is nine months old, and she is pregnant with their second son. I couldn't be happier for her.

"I'm okay I guess, just waiting for all this morning sickness to pass." She smiles.

"That's the fun part though." I laugh with her.

I grab a bottled water from her fridge and take a sip and then sit back down.

"How are things between you and Juice? Jax told me that your dad doesn't want him around you but yet he has to pay the hospital bills? That's not very fair."

I nod. "I agree with you. I miss him so much, There isn't anything I can do about it."

"I think there is something you can do about it, but you are both too scared to stand up to your dad and fight for what you want."

I guess she is right. We never did fight for each other, we just backed down and did what made my dad happy.

But when I think about things this is my life, and I need to regain control of it. But I know being a dad isn't something that Juice wants, and I can't force him to want it either. But I am not going to wait until I pop this kid out before he decides if he wants to be the dad or not.

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