Chapter 9

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I have no idea whether this is edited is not. Please listen to the song, it's my favourite at the moment.

For about an hour I stood on the balcony watching the bustling city below me. I wonder what my mother and the school are thinking right now. My mother was probably thinking of all the different ways she could kill me, she might've called the school and told them about me. The school have probably called the police but I doubt they're actually worried. Most of them would kill to be where I am right now.

Where I was, everything looked so small. It was like a load of ants bustling around and going about their business. I wonder what they're thinking right now. Probably about what they're going to have for dinner or something mundane like that.

Speaking of food, I haven't eaten all day so this better be good. Who knew being kidnapped could make you so hungry. Them being Avengers and everything means they can afford nice, good food. Tony's a billionaire and all of the Avengers must've been payed loads.

As I'm paranoid, I decided to search my room for anything that was unusual or out of place. For all I know there could be millions of cameras and voice recorders hidden everywhere. I combed the entire room until I came to the wardrobe. On top was a tiny camera and a voice recorder, so much for trusting these people. They're spying on me. Picking up the camera and voice recorder, then walked onto the balcony where I put them on the ground and stamped them into oblivion.

How long had they been watching me? Were they watching me the whole time? I'm defiantly not trusting these people. Thinking about it, I understand why they did it. They think I may be a threat, they know nothing about me, they don't trust me and I shouldn't expect them to . . . But I won't trust them.

I doubt that'll be the last camera I find in here. As soon as I leave they'll put another one in here and I'll have to keep searching the room every time I come in. Now that they know I know they'll put more than one in and hope I only find one. Also, when I get my things back I'll have to search all of my clothes and things for any trackers the pirate dude decided to hide in them. It's funny how stupid they think I am. I've got an IQ higher than Stark's.

As I was bord and there was nothing to do in my room I decided to try and get some sleep before food. There's nothing that passes the time like sleep. Plus, dreams are interesting. I think it's just me who has dreams that are so crazy they sometimes make some sense. Once I had a dream I was escaping this lady who had a gun on a beach using a gummy bear shield while on a horse. That kind of crazy. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. Walking over, I opened the door and was faced by Steve.

"Private conversation's over, I assume?" I say with as much sarcasm as I could muster.

"Erm . . . Yes. We're ordering pizza so come and pick whatever you want." How kind. I could get a whole pizza for myself, that'd good.

"Yes, Pizza!" I cheer. If I act like a kid, I may fool them into underestimating me which could prove useful later. Steve chuckled at my childish behaviour, this plan might work. "Lead the way 'Merica man, I need my Pizza. I haven't eaten all day." Blame S.H.I.E.L.D.

He chuckled and led the way through the labyrinth Stark called a tower and into a room which I assumed was the kitchen, I was right. As we entered the room it became completely silent. Either they were talking about something secret or about me. It almost made me want to shout boo. In the middle of the group, giving me a death stare, was Red and she did not look happy to see me. Was it something I said?

Not caring about her, at least I was trying not to, I sat away from the others as much as I could but the kitchen was small. As was the table. Cap came and sat next to me out of pity but I was kind of grateful. The awkward silence continued.

"I heard there was pizza." I said trying to break the awkward silence. It worked, everyone burst into action.

"Ok." Said Stark. "I know everyone's order except yours Skylar. Peperoni. You look like a peperoni person." Nodding my reply, Stark went to order all the pizza which I was so looking forward to. When Stark was done ordering the food, the rest of the Avengers began to chat amongst themselves about things while I just sat their awkwardly.

"So Skylar, why does Fury want you on the team? It's not like you can actually do anything that we couldn't." Red said in a fake friendly voice with a smirk plastered on her face. She really doesn't like me and I doubt I'll be able to change that. I'm going to wipe that smug look of her face, I was going to wait until tomorrow to reveal my powers but now seemed like as good a time as any.

"Oh no reason really. Just that I've got heightened senses, accelerated speed, strength and stamina, an IQ of over 240 plus a load of different powers. Apart from that I have no idea." I said to freak them out a little. Before anyone could reply there was a knock at the door. "Pizzas here." I say helpfully.

I suppose it was going to be easier now that they knew. Now I wouldn't have to lie to them and I could take the moral high ground if they lied to me. If Fury came in and tried to blackmail me with the fact that I had powers I could just laugh I his face. I think though I may have to answer a load of questions soon though, that's not going to be fun.

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