Chapter - I've lost count

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I thought we were staying on the top floor but, as it turns out, there's a secret docking place for a small plane thing. It looked like a plane but it was too sleek and advanced to be anything other than military grade stuff. Either Stark made it or S.H.I.E.L.D. did.

"Where is she?" I ask as we approach the plane.

"We tracked her to a remote forest in Russia. There's a cabin in there built into a hill we're been monitoring for a while." The others were already in the plane along with Tony's suit. None seemed too happy to see me here for some reason. To be honest, I probably hate half the people in here right now.

The only person I don't at least dislike right now is Loki but he was sat between Romanoff and Thor looking guilty. I'm not stupid enough to ask either of them to move. Thor could crush me without breaking a sweat and Romanoff is armed. Instead I sit net to Clint. He isn't that bad, it's just that Romanoff brings out the stupid in him. Thankfully no one was sat next to me so I had no one else to deal with.

Also, no one seemed to be in a talking mood which I think is working in my favor because I don't want to know what any of them were thinking. They probably think I'll help her escape or leave with her. None of these people will ever trust me but that's fine because I'm not going to make the mistake of trusting them.

They probably didn't want me to come just in case I was Hydra, I'd mess up their mission and flee. I don't think Loki thinks that but even he didn't seem happy that I was here. Maybe they thought that I wouldn't be able to make the hard decision if I needed to. In a situation where my mum had to be shot they thought that I wouldn't do it. Though I needed answers if it came down to her or them, I would choose the Avengers any day and I didn't even like all of them.

We were there quicker than I thought, then again, I had no idea where exactly in Russia we were. It may have been quick but it was two hours sat looking at the floor trying to avoid looking at anyone and trying to think why he was looking so shifty. Why would he not tell me? I have a right to know, it is my family.

The door at the back of the plane thing opened to reveal snow, lots of it. I would normally be overjoyed it had snowed but this was not the time or place for it. Not with what we needed to do. Snow would slow us down, leave tracks , make us stand out and create more sound when we moved giving away our position. We also have no idea what she's hidden under it. There could be bear traps.

Even though all of that could be true I still found it beautiful. The tall trees, the clear air, if it was in any other circumstances I would've taken the time to appreciate it. But we didn't have time. She could have a bunch of pressure sensing pads everywhere under the snow.

We moved as silently as possible. I could only vaguely smell her that meant we had a trek to make, about two hours of walking. All I could say about that is thank the gods I'm, well, whatever I am. This was something I could do easily. It's strange that they chose to land here though because it would make more sense if we landed closer. They must think she would know.

"Ok," began the Captain. It seems as if he was in charge of the planning. "It's almost a two hours hike north north east from here. We had to land here because the plane isn't that invisible. Stay in a group and watch out for any trap she could've laid."

That's how it was for the entire hike. Everyone moving silently keeping their eyes to the ground and making sure there were no cameras watching us. With the snow, however, I doubt that even if there were any that they could see anything. By the end of it everyone but Loki and I were cold and wet. We stopped below a hill and I knew it was time. This was it.

"We'll use the buddy system, your partner has been predetermined by Director Fury. Stick with your partner, they are the following, me and Thor, Nat and Bruce, Clint and Tony, Loki and Skylar." I've never seen Steve so serious, I guess he's in military mode right now. At least I have Loki. With a nod, we all edged our way towards the cabins from different entrances. I will have my answers one way or another.

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