Chapter 5: One Person Can Mean Something Huge

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"Hey, Al," Ed asks, "from what you know, did you hear a new girl move here?"
"Ah, uh," Al stumbles, "I believe so."
Ed was standing in front of Al's cell. Somehow, Al knows a new girl has moved to Central. Y/N would've known her name, and welcome the girl to the town. She's even introduce the new girl to the whole area. As much as he hates knowing Y/N "won't" come back, Ed faces reality.
"I think I know who," Al states. "The girl is a very close friend of mine."
"Oh?" Ed raises a brow. "Is that so?"
"Yes," Al responds.
There was a long, uncomfortable silence that spread across the room. Al, who stood for so long, slowly sunk to his knees to sit. The silence became a little dark. No, it became real dark.
"She lived close to us when we are young," Al states.
"Close?" Ed asks.
"Y-Yes?" Al responds, but his voice was shifted from calm to uneasiness. What he saw was Edward's expression that went from blank to utterly surprised and uncomfortable, eerie anger. What Ed possibly assumed was actually kind of too hard not to believe.
"Is it her?!" Ed starts. "That woman should've been gone!"
"H-Hey," Al tactfully responds, "the girl wouldn't do anything to Y/N-"
"Wouldn't?" Ed slams the cell. "She was the leader of our hometown!"
"What do you mean?" Al asks.
Ed sighed, "That girl can do something to Y/N, like curse her."
"Huh? Curses?" Al laughs, trying to sound brave. "There's no such thing as curses! Ha ha ha!"
Ed looks at Al with a blank, angered face, "Shut up."
Al closes his mouth. He didn't think that Ed would respond like that. Just only two words can shut someone up, can it? Al tries to growl, but then hears a hard *CLUCK!* and realizes that Ed has grabbed the bars of the cell and slammed it.
"S-Stop that," Al quickly said, "y-you might b-break the cell bars..!"
"Will you ever learn to shut your mouth?!" Ed asks.
"What? Edward! You got it all wrong!" Al replies.
"O-Oh?" Ed looks at him blankly, the brown eyes really dark.
"Are you oka-"
"I'm telling you to shut up because you say the most annoying, blunt stuff!" Ed yells.
"S-Sorry," Al mumbles.
"Sorry won't bring back Y/N, now will it?" Ed releases the bars, only to grab Al's cloth which raises him.
He releases Al, making him fall on his butt. After doing that, Ed leaves with no words that could've came out of his mouth.
Ed trudges across the city and notices an unfamiliar girl that seemed lost. At first, he thought it was someone he knew, but he couldn't put his mind into it. Ed, being pretty short, tries to glance at the girl, only to find himself noticing the girl was glancing back at him.
At first, he thought it was Y/N but as the girl approached closer, he noticed her appearance. Her hair was naturally curled, she was wearing glasses, and she was too, short. The girl was not Y/N, but it was that friend Al was talking about.
"Edward-san!" The girl exclaims. "Long time no see!"
"Oi! Haven't seen you in a while too, Emari," Ed replies.
The girl was Emari Medorikku. She was a very sweet but outgoing young girl who was two years younger than Ed himself. But she was slightly taller than Ed. As they reunite, a random man remarks, "Oi, your girlfriend is even taller than you, shrimp!"
"Hah?! Watcha say?!" Ed was about to rampage again about being called 'shrimp' or 'flea' or, you name it. As he was about to approach the man, Emari says, "Oh, Ed, you're so funny."
Once she had said that, the area grew silent. Everyone started to hang their heads down as the continued to walk. Ed stood there with complete silence. No words even came from his mouth when he and Emari were heading to his place. When they finally situated, Emari asks Edward on what happened earlier.
Ed gives a slight sigh, "Those words were the words a girl named Y/N L/N first commented about me."
"Who's Y/N?" Emari asks.
"A beautiful (height), H/C haired girl who recently disappeared when she was going to Winry's," Ed bash fully describes.
Just like what happened earlier, the room became silent again. Emari's hair covered her eyes, so Ed couldn't see her eyes. But as she rose her head, Ed notices her eyes were slightly burning with little drops of tears. 
"Y-Y/N L/N," Emari sobs, "she was my best friend."
Inside, Ed was glaring at the crying girl. In his eyes, whoever was close with Y/N and didn't do anything about whatever happened to her were responsible for it. Now, Emari was responsible for Y/N's disappearance. The real perpetrator. And no other person or persons were responsible.
Colonel Riza Hawkeye, did I kill her for nothing? Ed wondered to himself. When he came back to reality, he found himself embracing Emari. He gently pets her soft, thick, blonde curly hair as she sobbed. Ed, even shed some tears.
"Ed, Winry said to me that Y/N was on her way to her house, no?" Emari asks after crying for a long time.
"Yes, and why is that?" Ed replies.
"Because," Emari didn't complete her sentence.
In wonder, Ed sort of pushes Emari, "Because?"
"Because she, uh," Emari struggled with her words.
"What?!" Ed snaps.
Emari jumps at the tone of voice. It didn't sound so creepy unlike his usual 'creepy' voice. Ed, kind of realizing what happened calmed down a little and apologized.
"Sorry," Ed apologizes, "but what is the reason?"
"Ah, dang it!" Emari gets up and what came out of her mouth made Ed snap into insanity again.
"Y/N said to me you are the reason! She thinks that you're crazy!" Emari states.
"Me?" Ed slowly gets up. "Crazy?"
Emari's expression was horrid. She didn't expect such a scary remark from him. But whatever she said was true; Edward Elric is crazy. But for whom?
"Y/N," Ed started, "she didn't trust me? Even when she did..that liar!"
"E-Edward-san please..!" Emari couldn't finish her sentence because Ed forced her down on the ground with his hands on the collar of her light blue dress.
"Why didn't you say anything?!" Ed angrily questions.
"I, uh," Emari started to choke a little by the hard grasp, "Guh..I didn't know what to..Guh..say to Y/N..!"
Edward releases her slightly, "You are one person, and one person can mean something more."
"'One person'? What do you mean?" Emari asks.
"N-Nothing," Ed quickly responds.
Emari grabs her stuff, "I'm heading out. I need to put my stuff in an apartment for now."
"Oh, okay. See you, Emari-chan," Ed waves as she left.
Ed goes to the room Al's in and gives him something to eat. Al weakly looks at Ed, and slowly thanks him.
"You eat up," Ed says as he was about to leave the room and when he turned around, his expression was that eerie smile again, "or your going to really miss out the best part out of all of this." Ed leaves as Al eats with a disturbed expression.

End of Chapter 5.

This "asking for ideas" thing isn't working, huh? Well, it's okay! I somehow can come up with ideas if I really think!
Chapter 5 finished! By the way, Emari Medorikku is actually one of my friends name in Japanese! Try guessing her name in English (hey don't give the answer since you know, lol.)
I'll actually give you guys a limit time to think of ideas for Chapter 6. I think it'll work better that way. So if you're thinking of ideas for Chapter 6, give me your suggestion by Friday, June 9, at least by 3:30 PM Central Time Zone. Don't end the story!
Hope you enjoyed! Follow me if you want to see more of this story right now!

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