Authors' Note*

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*Yes, the apostrophe is in the right place, there are two of us. 


Hi, how's it going? RK Adams here just dropping by because I noticed you had finally got this far into a book and yet someone has forgotten to leave a vote. Now don't get me wrong, we all like to get the feeling of a book is going before dropping a vote. Yet, I will point out by this stage we are in chapter 15.

 In Game of Thrones, Chapter 15 at this stage Sansa Stark is already riding with her betrothed, Prince Joffrey. Or in Chasing Red, Veronica is driving around with Alex.

We don't blame you we've all been there. Checked out a book, think we will flip a couple of chapters to see what's it about. Then you notice is midnight and your up to chapter 15 at this point you've got, to be honest with yourself... are you hooked? Because if you get to chapter 15 of a book and you still don't think you want to know the ending, then you have to ask yourself, are you just in denial? Are you sure you don't want to know the ending... I mean really know the ending not just guess the ending? ( we are pretty devious writers ).

There is a simple test to see if you are hooked. 

In your imagination think about standing at the mouth of a huge rock crushing machine in a huge factory. It's noisy, dusty and smells like sailor's underpants. This is Dante's vision of hell (but the good news is it's hell for rocks). You are standing at the point where huge yellow trucks are driven from the nearby lime quarry and dump their loads into the machine to be crushed and turned into lime powder. The rock crushing machine is a device of immense power and could chew an armored security truck into tin foil. Your standing near the back of the dumper truck and you can watch rocks be dropped over the edge into the whirling chewing metal teeth of the rock breaker. As you stand into look into the jaws of boulder oblivion you see that next to you is Kaitlyn. She's looking nervously at you. She's nervous because you've kidnapped her, handcuffed her, taken her to the lime factory, and stood her next to the mouth of the steel monster.

"Please, Please, I'll do anything you want," Kaitlyn says desperately.

"Thanks," you say "but I want most is you dead." 

"Well," said Kaitlyn "when I said anything I hope you realize  I didn't mean that. I was thinking more of trimming your toe nails level of repulsive. I thought that preventing my death was kind of implicit. I'm sorry I've been living on a planet full of morons for the last 6 years, now I get this." 

The panic has finally caught those wide brown eyes of hers. All you have to do is give her a little nudge and from this position, this tenuous position, then Kaitlyn will fall to her certain death. Ending up as little more than a red staying on the otherwise perfect snow white limestone poweder. No one will know you did it,  but the book will never be finished.

"Look kill me, but promise you'll leave Alex alone," says Kaitlyn seeing the firm set in your eyes.

Naturally, to stop any continuation he will have to die too. Possibly the same way, possibly in something a little more elaborate, you haven't decided yet.

So the test is can you see yourself pushing Kaitlyn to her oblivion or not? If you can't bring yourself to imagine this, then I would politely suggest you are hooked. Naturally, this test works for any book, not just the Billionaire's possession.

Assuming you haven't mentally pushed Kaitlyn screaming into the deathly abyss, I would suggest you do want more and so ... you know might want to give her the pleasure of your most excellent vote.



Hi - Reb here. Wow pretty bloodthirsty imagery there from RK. My advice - ignore it. RK has some weird moods sometimes. I say hey we too got #29 in Scifi hot last week - what have you got to be worried about? Personally, I think he likes watching the way people vote. If you're an author you know Wattpad a notification each time somebody votes for one of our books. Sometimes you will get these streams of people voting. They will vote for chapter and then for five minutes later they will vote for the next chapter and then a few minutes after that, another chapter is voted for.

True story. Once RK notices a stream of votes. They started about seven in the evening. One vote following another about five or ten minutes apart. Then there are a couple of larger gaps and then around 11 o'clock you can see them thinking 'I just do one more chapter'..., 'then another...'. And then suddenly is just after midnight and they stop. At this point, the trail of votes goes cold only to start again about 7 o'clock in the morning. RK is looking at this and going 'wow someone goes to sleep reading the book and the first thing they do when they get up in the morning is reading another few more of chapters.' about 8:45 the vote trail stop. There's another vote or two over lunch then suddenly at after 3:30 the stream of votes starts again three to five minutes and a vote. Chapter, vote, three minutes, chapter vote five minutes. This stops about 5 o'clock. Then at 7:00 it starts again.

 RK is looking at the streaming goes to me 'my god you know what means? Someone has read the book to midnight and they are so excited that the first thing they do in the morning is get up and read two more chapters. They read until the last moment in the morning. Why about the 3:30 reads? I'm sure its somone at school. Then as soon as they get home after school they start reading and voting again. They told to stop the silly book about five.  Then later they go to bed and continue reading late into the evening. I'm sure this is somone going to school.' 

This carries on for about three days and then they finished the book ( this was Cyborg's pet). 

It's kind of a warm glowing feeling to know that someone is reading your book with such amazing enthusiasm. I've read like that myself, but for you other authors out there it's an awesome experience I hope you'll get to have one day. Naturally, RK dedicated a chapter to them. I won't say who it was, that seems wrong somehow, reading seems private. I think he likes to guess who is out there reading. What their lives are like. Makes the whole thing feel more human, more personal.

That's not the only way people vote. There are all kinds. The people who get to the end and vote every chapter backward we like. The decerning - 'I don't vote of every chapter I carefully pick the ones I like' always feels slightly well deserverd. I'm sure some are like me and use votes to remember were you got to... that's OK, we all do it. So yeh votes come in all shapes and sizes - we love them all. 

I guess RK, like me it Is in love with the way Wattpad democratizes things. The way the reader becomes such an important element of an ongoing tale. Less,' I am the author, you are the audience I out rank you', more a 'consensual hallucination' to steel Bruce Sterling's words. I think what I'm saying is that while you're reading a book on Wattpad - any book, in some ways the book is also reading you. It's kinda special, voting helps keep it that way. Any way I'm saying do what you must, we arn't going to stop loving you for it. 

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