Chapter 1 - Aftermath

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Ugh. I looked to my left and saw what had caused the continuous beeping noise. My alarm clock. One day you'll get what's coming to you, I swore at my wretched alarm clock.

I rolled on my side and reached over to stop it before I actually went mental and started smashing it to pieces. I rubbed at my eyes only noticing now that my cheeks were wet and my eyes were stinging a little. Not again...

I wiped the tears away; it wasn't a new occurrence to wake up with tears still in my eyes since I usually cried before I slept. I read the time on the clock beside me, six o'clock. What? Why was I waking up so early? I hadn't set my alarm clock last night. Maybe mum had set it while I was sleeping. But why would she do that? Why so early? Then it dawned on me... It was the first day of Senior Year. Oh no, already? It felt like I had only just gotten away from them, but now, now I have to see their faces every day. I felt a tear trickle down my left cheek as the realisation of what was ahead hit me. Well no more staying up late and poisoning my mind with thoughts of what happened that day.

I gloomily stood up and made my way to the bathroom and turned on the shower head. I got undressed and drenched my body in the arctic like water, which was biting my skin and telling me to immediately get to somewhere warm, but I had gotten used to that feeling by now, sort of liking the now familiar sensation. I had started showering in cold water because it made me want to hurry the hell up and want to get out as fast as I could, I usually took thirty-minute showers before but then started to think too much and I would start to do things that I really didn't want to do.

I quickly got out of the shower and dressed in my usual outfit, black jeans a black, long sleeved shirt, even if it was raining lava I would still wear a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of black converse with a coat. My usual black clothing, which is both comfortable and inconspicuous. I looked at myself in my full-length mirror

"Good enough" I mumbled to myself nauseously, not ready for the day ahead of me. I rarely felt any other feeling than anxiety and nervousness, but today, today was different. It was hope, hope for a new start, hope for forgotten events, hope for a forgotten rage from the one person I counted on, the one person I let in. Hope for a new day.

"I haven't felt anything like this in a while, T" I exclaim aloud on the phone to my cousin as she picks out her clothing

"You'll be alright, Em! It's been a year already, besides it's none of their business anyway." Terry reassures me as she herself gets ready for school. "Now, what should I wear for the first day of college?" she wonders excitedly mostly to herself.

"I know T, but people need to gossip about something, and too often it's about me and my family," she says truthfully. "It's not like dad knew for sure there were going to be complications post-surgery. Besides, dad always stresses before any of his surgery's, he couldn't help some stress relief." I continued to explain again for the thousandth time.

"I know, Em. Please don't torture yourself by recounting it back." Terry said with sincerity coating her voice. "Anyway you have Scott and Bree with you, they'll help with your nerves." She added.

"Yeah, I will be alright. I'm sure I'll be alright. The kids are alright" I say with false joyfulness. Also serving as a reassuring signal to Terry that my surprise phone call, due to my panic coated brain, had subsided.

"Anyway, Hun I need to go have a shower or I'll be late for my first class" Terry says followed by a kiss

"Bye," I say after she's hung up

After grabbing my bag I brought it downstairs and placed it on the kitchen counter. But as soon as I did so mum screamed

"Bag off now!"

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