Chapter 2 - Newcomer

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The bell rang just as we walked through the front door with me in the middle and my two 'bodyguards' by each side. I hoped they wouldn't notice me, what with my camouflage clothing. We each went to our lockers luckily being only a few doors apart, leaving books and coats inside.

"You guys go on; I need to use the bathroom. No use in us all being late" I informed them as I started walking towards the toilets.

"I'll come with" Scott chimed in with that asserting tone he uses meaning 'no arguing'. Scott and I were in the same class while Bree took applied maths so she was ok to oblige. She didn't really like being late, she wasn't much of a rule breaker. "I'll wait outside of course," Scott added as an afterthought chuckling slightly.

As the halls started getting emptier and emptier we fast walked towards the toilet as neither of us wanted to be late either. But for a different reason from Bree, she didn't want to miss any important content and we didn't want to make a show of walking in and being watched like a hawk by other students. "I'll just be a minute," I say as I walk through the door. Which I immediately regretted as there I saw the conjoined triplets, Christy Baker and her two minion twins Frankie Johnson and Freddie Houston.

"My, my, girls look, it's the Grand High Witch and her flying monkey" She cackles at her joke feeling proud of her wittiness.

"They're not even from the same story" I glare, informing them as I stand my ground hoping this encounter wouldn't last long. I didn't just go to the bathroom for a chat.

"Well, I can't help that the resemblance is striking" Christy answers with a mock shrug.

"What, are you going to fix up that mask of yours?" she adds making yet another allusion to the Ro Dahl Creation.

"Nope, just wondering when I'll turn you into a mouse, I can probably take my time since you're not growing up anytime soon" I reply hoping this doesn't end badly for me. Especially since Scott couldn't help me this time. The bathroom was one of the places I was the most vulnerable. I guess I had Christy's rage for me coming. Ever since we were in middle school she had and I had established our hatred for each other. Largely due to her long and chronic crush on Adrian and I was always the one shooing her away. Yes, the first time I did, it was because Adrian had asked me to. But as time went on it became a routine for me and her to bicker. I didn't even know whether Adrian still disliked her or not, I didn't bother to ask since he'd never said a word while we argued over him. I guess last year's events gave her a reason to pick on me even more and now that my tie with Adrian was severed it gave her free reign to do so.

"Well aren't you a clever one," she says "why don't we teach you yet another lesson, huh?" She asks rhetorically as she reaches out for my hair. But just as she does I swat her hand away and bolt for one of the bathroom stalls, past them, hurrying to lock the door as the three, heel wearing girls struggle to catch me.

"Ugh!" They all exclaim. "Well, you can't hide forever! wicked bitch of the west," she shouts as I picture a smirk slapped on her face "we'll be here waiting."

"That's alright, girls, I wasn't planning on going to class anyway." I bluff

"Now if you'll excuse me," I say as I start to do my business. Well, this is a strange predicament, I'd never thought that I'd ever wish to do a number two in school before this.

"We-" Frankie starts just as she gets cut off by the second bell signalling to students that they should all be in their classrooms. Frankie rarely ever spoke to me – alone or with the girls – she was the tamer one out of the three, clearly wishing to be somewhere else. She always looked so uncomfortable whenever I would argue with them. Like every time I'd argue with Christy it seemed like she was arguing with herself, like she was having an internal battle with herself, always contradicting her morals. She should considering we were actually close friends before 'the incident' as everyone calls it.

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