Chaper 12 - The Cursed Story

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Opera music once again howled through the castle. Even the guards outside her doors "urgh"-ed. She heard them shuffling the moment the music started. Flower duet, she heard them say. It sounded pretty good to her. It uplifted her spirit a little. 

She was writing in her book. What she was writing, she didn't know. Just her thoughts, really. It didn't matter. As long as she was doing something. Staying in this room was driving her insane. Ruth had had enough. But king Gabriël hadn't.

Every day was a torture for her and she was starting to go mad. Being alone with her thoughts was crushing her soul. The thought of her father crying, the sight of her mother bleeding... It was too much, she would't wish this on anyone. The most soul crushing was that they all obeyed one man, as if he was some god. They all did what he wanted, bowed to him. No one deserved to be bowed to, no one should have that amount of power. It would get to your head and it definitely had gotten to Gabriël's head. 

He acted as if the world was his even though he was just a tiny part of it. Someone should really tell him that he isn't as special as he thinks he is. But every person in this castle acted like he was.

The knock on her door made her lose her train of thought. Thank goodness. It made her heart pound. She immediately realised it wasn't the king, though. Because he doesn't knock.

Tristan walked into her room and stood a few feet away from the door. Dominic elegantly followed him. They were both wearing dark colored suits and boy, how it suited them.

Ruth looked at both of them, her eyes trying not to only focus on Tristan's amazing presence. She didn't even know what to think, the moment she saw him. His appearance was so sudden. She felt ashamed about how he saw her the last time. Her bruised naked body, covered by the king's naked body. Just thinking about this made her want to sob into her pillow of embarrassment. Ruth tried her best not to cry right now.

Her feelings were very mixed. She was glad they came, cause she craved human contact. She had been alone for too long, her mind couldn't take anymore of it. But she knew they came just to say a thing or two and to leave. That's what Dominic did. No small talk, just the news he had to tell and he was on his way.

But now... This time, Tristan came along. And Tristan... Well, he had meant so much to her. He still did. Even if he was the one she blamed for all of this. She couldn't help but feel a certain way about him. The feelings just wouldn't go away, no matter how hard she tried.

They didn't speak until Dominic lightly coughed. Tristan loudly inhaled and finally spoke.

"The king was informed you play the piano. He would like you to play for him tomorrow." He said in a very monotonous voice. He tried to act like he didn't care about her. But Ruth knew better. His red and tired eyes spoke to her much louder than any voice.

"I haven't played in over a year. I can't just play for him. It won't be any good." Ruth coldly answered. She tried to act like his presence didn't excite her.

Tristan tried to think of something to say. But he could only open his mouth to close it again.

Never had he felt like this. No woman had ever made him feel like this. This young lady had him, all of him and she could play him like a fiddle. Sometimes she did, looking into his eyes the way she did. Over the long centuries he learned that eyes spoke the truth that lips could not form. He would risk it all.

"The king assumed you would say that." Dominic interfered with his thick posh English accent. "So he offered to have you taught by a teacher." His lips slightly curled up. Ruth had never seen him smile. It was almost as if he was too polite to show his teeth.

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