Late Night Snack

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Later that night, I'm not sure how much later, I woke up. Groggy as ever. Sitting up on the bed I looked out the window and it was pitch black. "Shit, I must have slept longer then I wanted," I said to myself, as I stood up. Stretching out, I walked over and turned the overhead light on. "Guess I should unpack," I say as I walk over and start to put everything away.

Reaching in my bag, I pull out the picture of Kayla, and put it up in the mirror like at home. "Well Kayla, it looks like we made it hu?," I said out loud, "I wish you could see this. I miss you so much." With that, I felt a tight pain in my stomach, I needed food. Walking back over to the bed, I picked up my phone to see two new messages from Gabriel. I mentally sigh as I open them.

(Hey! (Y/n) you missed dinner, hope you're okay)

"Oh dang it. I knew it," I said to myself as I looked at the other message.

(Hey tracer was looking for you. She said to tell you to meet her for breakfast in the morning.)

'Why would Lena want to see me? Oh wait, she probably wants to get to know the new girl,' I thought to myself before shoving my phone back into my pocket. I got up and made my way to the door of my room, looking back one more time before walking out with a deep breath. It was almost completely dark, except for a few lights off at the end of the hallway, which I assumed were flood lights from outside. Making my way down the dark hallway, I popped out in the dinning hall, which only had a few lamps still on. "76 said something about an open kitchen right?," I whispered to myself before I continued walking. I didn't remember much of what 76 said once we got to the dinning hall, but I did remember that. Stupid brain always running towards food.

When I go to the kitchen, all the lights were off, so I ran my hand up the wall and found a switch. The only light that turned on was the flood light over the fridge. "oh if that isn't a sign then I don't know what is," I spoke as I made my way over to the beautiful thing that held my life force. I pulled the double handles open to see that the fridge was filed to the brim with all kinds of foods. My mouth started to water just at the sight of it, yet an uneasy feeling ran up my spin. 'The hell,' I thought to myself as I reached into the fridge pulling out a can of soda and bowl filled with berries. Turning around, I made my way to the breakfast bar. I moved the can to my mouth, popping the tab to open it. "Oh so ladylike," I said as I laughed at my own dig to myself. I sat down at the bar and began popping the mixed berries into my mouth, savoring each one. I couldn't remember the last time I had berries like this. Yet, that feeling was back, as if someone was watching me.

I took the last sip of my soda and set it down on the table as I finished what was left in the bowl. Now that I wasn't hungry anymore, I was ready to go back to sleep. As I got up, it thought to myself, 'Maybe I should finish putting all my shit away, but I'll need another soda to do that.' With my mind made up I walked back over to the fridge, yet as I did the smell of burnt hair and sulfur filled my nose. I tried my best to ignore it as I opened the fridge again, reaching in a grabbing another soda. Standing up I popped the top and took a sip.

"Grabbing a late night snack new girl," a low raspy voice came from the dark beside me. It caused me to jump and drop the soda in my hand. Sticking my foot out fast, I managed to balance it on top of my foot. I felt my heart begin to race as I slowly looked at the tall figure standing near me. 'Oh god,' I thought as I had to look way up to try to look at his face. I couldn't make any of his features out, yet I could see his bright yellow eyes. Something about those eyes sent a chill up my spine, and my body tensed into defense mood. I just stood there watching him as he started moving closer to me, my heart racing. The feeling of evil seemed to roll off of him as he took another step closer. I couldn't move, I could only look into his eyes.

BAM! His hand slammed into the door of the fridge, as I backed into it. I know where that smell was coming from now, it was him. His body was only inches from mine as he leaned way down so he was eye level with me.

"Oie, I asked you a questin'," his accent was thick, yet I could place it for some reason. All I could focus on was his eyes. Something about those eyes drew me into them.

I opened my mouth to speak ,but I couldn't force anything to come out. on of his eyebrows raised at me, and a smirk grew across his face as he leaned closer.

"What ya lookin' at chica?," he asked as his eyes seemed to travel up and down my body. Him calling me chica caused me to snap out of the hypnosises that his eyes had me underand I could now take in my surroundings again. I could fully take in the features of his face, he was dirty, covered in soot and smelled like a bonfire. His smile was warped ,yet his teeth were bright white, the cleanest thing on his body it seemed.

"I'm not looking at anything," I said in a harsh voice. I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him away from me so I could get away, but his body stayed motionless. Almost as if my pushing him at no effect on him.

"What's ya name, new girl," what was with the twenty questions. Was he trying to get a rise out of me or something? I rolled my eyes at his question and put on my famous, are you serious face.

"(Y/n). My name is (y/n), now can you move so I can get back to my room," I tried to act tough, even though my heart was racing. I couldn't tell but I had the feeling I was blushing as well.

"Alrigh' alrigh', I'll leave ya be," he said as she moved his arm so I could get away. I popped my foot up and grabbed the can that was still balanced there, as I slid past him. I felt his eyes on me as I tried to rush out of the kitchen. Yet, when I got to the door, he yelled back at me, "My names Jamison by the way." His voice was crude and harsh as I looked back at him once this a obviously fake smile.
"Hope I'll see ya around Chica," he said as I was out the door.

I ran down the hallway and into my room, slamming the door behind me. I leaned against it and put my hand on my chest, feeling my heart racing out of control. "What the hell was that," I asked myself, as I tried to get his face out of my head.

When I finally calmed down, I decided to give up for the night and just go back to sleep. It didn't take long and I had drifted back into a deep sleep, Jamison's face seemingly stained to the back if my eyelids. "God I give up," I said before falling to sleep.

** Thank you to all my beautiful readers! 150 reads already! That is just amazing to me.
Well as always if you have any thoughts, ideas, requests, or questions, please just ask. I'm always here

Till next time! Love ya**

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