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The sun shown in through the crack in the blinds, lighting up my overly large room. Sending a ray of light directly into my eyes. I tried to roll over to get away from it, yet something stopped me. Or for better words, someone. Jamison had managed to completely wrap himself around me. He was face to face with me still. His arm drapped over my body and his leg tangled between mine. He must have gotten more comfortable in the night. I found myself just staring at his sleeping face. So peaceful, so calm. His lips were parted slightly and he was letting out a light snoring sound. The smile that pulled across my face was one of true happiness. I never thought I could feel this happy from just look at another human being. I could have just laid there all day but my stomach had other plans. It felt like my whole body was gonna cave in on itself. I let out a sigh, slowly, I moved his arm off me and moved his leg. Finally able to sit up I stretched my arms over my head, letting out a long yawn. Looking back down at Jamie still sleepy so still I couldn't help but giggle. I gently ran my hand through his hair before leaning down and placing a kiss on his forehead.

If I didn't get out of this bed I wasn't ever going to leave. So I forced myself to get up. Using the little bit of thight that shown in through the blinds I found what I assumed was his night shirt and threw it over my head. Looking at the clock it was only six in the morning. No one but maybe Zarya was going to be up this early. I walked over to my bag and pulled out a pair of black leggings to match the black night shirt. I headed out the door taking one more look back at how sweet Jamison looked laying in my bed. And with that I headed off to the kitchen. I could feel the wide smile that seemed to have been tattoo across my face. I say that due to the fact that no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't leave my face. I skipped down the large steps making almost no noise and walked through the empty dinning room to the kitchen. As soon as I pushed the door open the smell of bacon and eggs filled my nose. I took in a deep breath of it before letting it all out in a content sigh. Zarya turned her head and I could see the smile fall on to her face. "Morning Buha! Come, sit, you look hungry," she said. I followed her instructions, sitting at the little breakfast bar behind her. I watched her fix a plate and turned back towards me. But something was off. Instead sliding my plate over like normal she just stood there with it I her hand. I looked up at her.
"What's wrong?," I asked, tilting my head up at her. I was a bit confused at why she would deny me my substance. Her face was just twisted into a confused smile type look. I chuckled, reaching my hand back and scratching my back of my head, a bit worried I did something to make her mad at me. All of a sudden she slammed the plate down and leaned right over the small counter till she was almost right in my face. "Stand up," she order.
"What? Why?!," I said a bit surprised at this type of outburst from Zarya of all people. "No answers, stand," I leaned back a bit and looked her up and down. She wasn't gonna take no fot an answer was she. With a sigh and an over exaggerated eyeroll which earned me a flick on the back of the head as stood. I walked over so that I was in the open. I stuck my arms out and then slapped them back down onto my legs. "I'm standing, now what?," I said with a bit of a chuckle. This all seemed so silly, but for some reason I couldn't even be mad at it. Zarya took a step closer to me, looking down at me like she was trying to decipher something. "What Zar," I said between a bit of a chuckle.

A wide smile formed on Zaryas face as she let out a deep bellyed laugh. "You have been a bad girl Buha," she said as she leaned down, putting a hand on my shoulder. My back instantly went straight and i couldn't stop my face from heating up to almost boiling. "W-what do you mean," I said trying not to play into her little game. Her smile just got wider as she gripped my shoulder tighter. "I am women, as are you. I know that look, and we both know what you did," she said as she walked back over to the stovetop. I just shook my head. There is no damned way she knows what I did by just my face. Or am I just that damned easy to read? "I am just curious as to who," she said as she looked over her shoulder at me. That didn't help how hot my cheeks were burning.
"You're not mad at me?," I asked, not daring to move any closer to her.
"Mad? Why would I. It's natural and good for health, helps your brain move," she said as she grabbed a stool and slid it next to her. I still wasn't fully sure she wasn't mad at me so I stood still. That was until she used a dirty move. She picked up my plate and made it hover over the seat, which just made the pain in my stomach too much to bare. I rushed over and grabbed the plate, sitting down next to her like always and leaned on to the small counter space next to the stove top.
"I would still like to know who," she said as she leaned against the breakfast bar behind her. My mouth was already full of food when I looked up at her. I swallowed hard and tried to peice together how I was going to explain this. I set my plate down and put my hands in my lap, staring down at the floor in front of me. I was not gonna be able to look her in the eyes to tell her that it was Jamison of all people. I took in a deep breath, and just blurted it out. "It was Jamison...well crap...you probably know him as Junkrat. But that's his real name. I don't know...I...i," I had started rambling and there was no way to stop it. I could feel my heart starting to race and my hands were shaking. That was until I felt Zaryas hand lift my chin up to look at her. "Buha, what did I tell you to do with him?," She didn't sound mad, more concerned. Which she had all the right to be. After what had happened between us on the training feild anyone would have the right to tell me I'm insane. But...I didn't care. I really didn't. There was so much we had in common and such a connection that I couldn't even help it anymore.

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