Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

In habit, I started to lean against the railing of the gate behind me, but the watchful gaze of Erna made me stand upright. Something about her suggested there was to be no informality today.

"Happy birthday, Nikkia."

"Thank you." I gave a half smile. "Uh, so, why did you come all the way here? Not just to congratulate me, right?"

She nodded, with some amusement in her eyes. "That is correct. I wanted to explain to you what your benefits are as an official adult superhero."

Actually being described as an adult felt foreign, new, and yet still thrilling. I'd often been described as "mature" and "adult-like" but never had it felt like this. At the same time, I didn't feel very grown up. Someone like Kody was an example of maturity in my eyes, and I'd always strove to somehow be like him, although sometimes subconsciously.

"The...benefits?" I asked, confused.

Erna crossed her arms. "Superheroes are donated a certain amount of money starting when they turn eighteen. It helps get them out of the way of discovery by finding their own independence."

I still didn't get quite get the concept. "Meaning?" I trailed.

"Every three months, you will be given money from our program, enough to live on only. Don't expect anything more than that. It's only to get you on your feet."

I cracked my knuckles. "Oh... For how long will I receive the money?"

"Until you send in a request to stop." Yeah, like that would happen.

"Where do you even get the cash for that? I mean, there's a lot of superheroes. I know that much. So, how can you afford that?"

Erna smirked. "Anonymous donations from very, very grateful people with wealth." Well, that made sense. 

The wind shifted, sending my hair across my face. I pushed it back, and noticed Erna glancing up at the sky, a thoughtful look on her face. I suddenly remembered when we had last met, when the "gathering" had been mentioned. What did it mean?

She looked at me, a knowing look on her face. Of course—her power was mind reading, as much as I disliked that. 

"You'll have to wait and see for your question to be answered."

As mysterious as always. It made me want to ask her more questions. More personal than technical. Like, is she married, or had she been married? If so, what kind of person had her husband been? A fellow superhero? He had to have been understanding and a very open person who had little secrets. It was sort of daunting being with someone who could read each and every thought you had, and discover every embarrassing secret. Well, either that or he had mastered the mind blocking technique that Kody had attempted to teach me.

I couldn't help but think. It was impossible not to, and I felt guilty when I realized she had followed my train of thought.

All she did was smile. "Maybe he was someone who could completely understand, just like in the way you connect with Kody." With that, she turned her back and started to walk off. "Goodbye, Nikkia."

See ya, Erna.


Almost everyone had left by then. Rashal, Kody, and I sat in Rashal's den. Both of our parents were chatting in the living room upstairs. Rashal's sister had come in a few times to bother us, but when her mom called her out so we could hang out on her own, she didn't come back. 

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