So it's true? You're my mate!?

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I never would have thought that my mate would be my bestfriend. But as of right now it seems as he either hasn't noticed or is ignoring what he feels. Thinking of the later it hurts, to think that there might be a possiblity that my mate doesn't even care or acts as if he doesn't care to find his mate. Laylan, my wolf, agrees with me. She's hurt and trying to call out to Logans' wolf.

* Baylee, you need to pull Logan aside and ask him if he feels anything!
- But I'm scared! What if he doesn't want me, what if he rejects me, what it-
* Snap out of it Baylee! He would be stupid to reject you! You are beautiful, and you guys have been best friends since you shifted!
- what if he thinks I'm not good enough to be his Luna?

After having that pep talk with my wolf, I boldly walk up to Logan and ask him if we can talk. Logan agrees and we walk outside to the pool. Logan I have something to ask you. "OK, what is it Bay? You know you can ask me anything." Okay here is goes 'Logan, when you look me in the eyes, what do you feel? What is the first word that pops into your mind?' As soon as I'm finished his head shoots up and looks me in the eyes. MATE!! Suddenly everyone is staring at us and Logan growls at them. Making them look away from us. Logan takes my hand and pulls me into his bedroom. Sit! I do as I'm told not wanting to make him any more upset.

- I told you Laylan! He doesn't even want us! He looks so mad right now, and I'm scared!
* Baylee, I'm talking to his wolf, Kyle, trying to calm him down. I don't know why he looks so upset, his wolf is practically leaping in joy!

Wow! That's wierd, so is it just Logan that doesn't want me? As soon as I thought that I broke down into tears. And Logan starts gowling and looking at me with a flash of worry in his eyes, but it soon returns blank and cold. He doesn't even ask me what's the matter. Or even try to console me. Maybe he really doesn't care. He probably thinks I'm weak, even though i'm the strongest female warrior in the United States. Logan finally looks at me and his eyes instantly soften. I'm still quietly sobbing and I can't even look up to see his face, because I'm so scared that if I look at him he will reject me because I seem weak. Slowly I lift my head and look him in the eyes and say 'If you are going to reject me, can you make it quick?' His next move surprises me. I did not expect him to crouch in front of me and hug me. My wolf is practically screaming " I told you so, I told you so!" 'I will never reject you! You are my mate. The one person who is meant for me, who will love me no matter how many fights we get in, or how many stupid decisions I make. I know you will be there with me. As long as YOU don't reeject ME. Look Baylee I know you better than anyone else, same goes for you. I've told you things my parents don't even know about myself, I've told you somethings I didn't even think I'd be able to talk about to anyone. EVER. But I already know that I love you. I hoped you were my mate since you shifted for the first time beacuse I knew. That if you weren't my mate, every girl would be compared to you. So now I beileve the ball is in court. And I want to let you decide if you want to be with me or not. Because I know there is no way I could live a single day without you by my side helping me through whatever it is i get into. Because that's what I do best. Mess-up and you somehow are always there to save me. So with that being said I Logan, Alpha of the Bloodmoon Pack, accepet you Baylee, to be my mate and my Luna. Do you?' I looked at him and you could see the truth in his eyes as well as the unshed tears that were bound to come out sometime. I guess I was to busy being awe-struck to answer him. I think he took that as me not accepting him and that i didn't want anything to do with him. As soon as I saw him walking towards the door I snapped back into reality and asked stupidly where he waas going. He immediatly answered with ' Down-stairs, you apparently want nothing to do with me. And that's OK i understand completely. I mean I just spilled out all of my feeling for over that have consumed me for the past 3 yea-' He never got to finish that sentence because i jupped off the bed and onto him. Causing us to fall on to the floor. I kissed him with everything I had, hoping he would understand what I was trying to say. That I loved him as well, and that I wouldn't be able to live without him. He got the message hopefully because he pulled away and said "So is this your way of saying I accept you? Because I will be spilling my guts more often if this is what I get for an answer.' Way to ruin the moment Logan... But let's just say that this moment right here, right now. Is my favorite one ever.

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