First day birthday and mate?

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Baylee POV:





What is that awful sound!? Someone make it stop please! Please make it stop!





Ughh! You know what they say, if you want something done you gotta do it yourself. I rolled out of bed, finally turned off the cursed alarm clock and got ready for the first day of my senior year. I am so excited, today is also my 18th birthday!! It seems like these last 18 years have gone by so fast. I mean it feels like only yesterday was my freshman year. Ahh the akward days, yes I was the shy akward nerd girl who just happened to be friends with the Alpha. But at the beggining of sophmore year I realized that i didn't have to be the shy geek girl just because I was smart. I was our packs best warrior, but noone knew that it was me. You see, I live a double life; the quiet, shy school girl, and the fierce, most feared female warrior today. You may ask why i live two lives and not just one. Well I don't want people to be friends with me only because I can protrect them, or that I can help them with there homwork. I want someone who wants both. Which is why Logan is my best friend. He doesn't need protecting and he doesn'nt need me to do his homework for him.


*9 hours later*

It's wierd that Logan didn't come to school today. He didn't even try to contact me. Maybe he is at home sick. I get in my baby blue Porsche (fancy I know), and ask his mother if he stayed home, but she said he left the house before dawn. Maybe its alpha duties, but he still would have told me not to worry right? I finally gave up and headed home when Logan called and said there was a manditory pack meeting. Of course being the best warrior, I was excpeted to attend. When I pulled into the pack house all the lights seemed to be off, and everyone was awfully quiet, and peaceful almost. I walked into the house and was immediatly smelled the most wonderful scent. Chocolate strwaberries, and cotton candy (like my own carnival). I didn't know where it was coming from but I knew i had to find it, and quick. I didn't even notice the streamers and banners that said happy birthday. Or the loud shouts of 'Happy Birthday!' I searched frantically for the smell and saw my best friend, the beta, third in command, and some other warriors in a group by the drinks. I knew that the smell was coming from one of them so I walked over to the group and waited until one of them realized I was there mate. But I didn't expect it to be someone who ditched me on the most important day, and left me hanging without a warning. My mate was the most handsome, charming, and funniest person. But then again I'm supposed to think that, it's my mate. But really my mate had to be...

My mate is my best friend?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora