My story

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So I haven't updated in a while and I just wanted to let you guys know why. So this is my story and what I'm dealing with right now.

I know this is late but, when I was 13 I had just gone into my first year of middle school and I didn't have a lot of friends. I wasn't really popular but I did have some close friends. 6th me and 2 other girls were the only 6th graders to make the basketball team. And a lot of people would make fun of us, or tell us how we thought we were better than everyone else. But I wasn't at least. Towards the end of that year I started to have mood swings and days where I just couldn't get out of bed. And I found out that I had depression. So all of my middle school years I would go on as if everything was okay, but it was so hard. And then 9 grade rolls around and my depression was getting worse. And on top of that I had to go to a new school where everyone had known each other their whole lives. So I came in and it was the same thing. Everyone said that I was too proud of myself or that I thought too highly of myself. But I didn't, I was actually the complete opposite. I never thought I was good enough to do anything or be anyone. And so I came across a famous Instagramer and looked through all their posts and another social medias and realized that you can be happy for yourself and that their are good people in the world. So here I am in 10 grade with minor depression and a role model who's gone through the same thing I am. And I'm glad you've shared your story, because without you through all of this I wouldn't be getting better, I wouldn't believe in myself, and I wouldn't be who I am today.

My mate is my best friend?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن