The Unsinkable Ship (Chapter One)

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The unsinkable ship.

Dear diary,

Today is 14th of March 1912, which means my birthday. I've been excited for the past couple of days, because today I turned into a teenager! I am now 13 years of age, this means I'm growing up. Anyway, today I got a really big surprise. My mother and father had planned a trip! I'm going to America! Mum got the tickets in the post! She handed them over; I opened them; screamed and hugged my parents tight. Anyway, until we get on the ship... Dad has organised for all of us to go down to Southhampton.


Sorry, I had to go for dinner. Now, I've got to pack for Southampton. I suspect we're going to be busy there. Dad always finds something to do. Like when we went up to Scotland, he made sure he brought bag pipes and played them everyday around the streets. As I said, I've got to pack so.. Night. Talk soon.

Love Charlie.

April 9th:

Dear diary,

Nearly a month we've been in Southampton. And now it's the final night. My family have got everything packed up and we're all set. Now we have been here so long, I want to stay. Although, less then 24 hours away... I will be on the way to New York! I have got to go to sleep now, sorry I couldn't tell you more about our time here. But tomorrow's entry will be about boarding the 'TITANIC,' see you there.

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