The Unsinkable Ship (Chapter three)

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14th April 9:00 o' clock in the morning:

Dear diary,

I've made a friend! Her name is Clarissa Osborn! Born in America and she was on holiday in England. Clarissa and I have become really close and we spend most of our days on the top deck of the ship playing childish games like 'Tag.' Her auntie said that we could come and stay with her in her house in L.A which is far away! Clarissa's mother and father had previously died in a car accident, she doesn't like to talk about.. Who would?

I'm going to meet her see you later!


4:00 o'clock in the afternoon:

Dear diary,

Back again! After lunch me and Clarissa went to the "underclasses" of the ship. It was actually quite cool down there! There were some really nice people who were really please to see us not being so appalled by aprences............ And smell. There was also some really creepy people who kept asking for money. I was like ' I'm being homest, I don't have money on me,' because I didn't.. They didn't believe me!

6 o'clock:

Dear diary:

Because I had a big lunch, I told my mum that I was going to stay in my room. Clarissa told me she would make up another excuse.. Once my parents go, then I sneaked down the corridor to her room. I knock our 'special' knock and she opens. Inside, Clarissa has all of our stuff ready. She has card games set up, food and drink aswell. I take a crisp and place it in my mouth.

'I need to go to the loo,' I tell her politely, then she directs me to where it is. When I come out, candles are alit and her short brown hair is tucked behind her ears. I walk over and sit next to here. 'Whats this all about? I..' When I go to continue, she places her index finger on my lips. Clarissa pulls herself up into a sitting position. She moves in towards me and I move towards her. Our lips coldie and I wrap my arms around her waist.

Before this time, I hadn't done this before! I feel weird although kind of... How would people say it?..... Turned on... We continue to kiss until we became out of breath and we notice the time. 8 o' clock. That's when dinner finishes. I only have a few minuets till my parents come back. I rush back to the room and open the door... Few. They're not back. At that moment, I hear voices coming from the corridor. My family. I jump into bed and pretend to be asleep. Mother and father walk in and kiss my head. They tell me that they're going to stay out for drinks. They leave a note next to my bed just before they go back out.

I actually really tired now. So, I am going to bed!

Love Charlie.

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