The Unsinkable Ship (Chapter Two)

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10th April 1912:

Dear diary,

Today was so good. As soon as we got out of our car, we were served to high class standereds. Well we should do, seeing as my parents paid full price. I saw the cruise liner and I was impressed. This is going to be the best trip ever. We were shown to our room, after we boarded, inside lied our bags. Unpacked. My bed was in a separate room to my parents! I was so happy. We also have nice big windows which are opened into the open. When I had a nap, we had past France and Irland.

My mother has just called, we are off to dinner. You know what? I'm going to take you with me. Walking and writing. At this precise moment, I am wearing a plain white shirt; black trousers; polished brown shoes; a pink waist coat which comes with a pocket watch; a blazer which is rather heavy and my blond hair is slicked back with Gel that my father told me to use. I've just stepped out into the corridor.. I haven't been here since we came in. I mean my parents went out while I had the nap, but come on.. Where the hell are we going.

Right, the grand staircase. Can we just talk about it? The magnificent feeling when I walked down it was unexplainable. My hands ran across the newly polished wood and my feet stepped hastily down. The decoration on the roof was phenomenal and it took my breath away! As I came to the middle, there was a beautiful clock which gave out a tiny 'Tick Tock,' every mini-second. Now, as I turned the stairway divides into two. I chose to go down the right one, as it made more sense. When I got to the botton, I turned left and walked; in hand with my mother. She let go as soon as we got to the door and we strolled over to our seats.

In here, the tables are spread out equally and the sound is calm. Classical piano sounded over the sounds of elegant voices, talking about who should be the next prime minister. When the waiter came over with our dinner, it smelt good... Then I realised that it was my fathers plate that smelt good. My taste buds are weird so don't judge me when I say, that dinner was really bad. The mixture of the flavours clashes harshly and the seasonings were just awful.


I guess you can call it the 11th of April, now. Seeing as the time is 00:01 according to the clock above my dressing table. We didn't do much since the dinner. We came back and I had a shower. It was the best shower ever! The warmth was amazing. And this bed is to good to be true.

I just know that this trip, is the trip that I'll remember.... Forever.

Love always, Charlie.

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