The Unsinkable Ship (Chapter Four)

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Dear diary,
Now I'm in New York. A lot has happened. I'm going to start from where I left my last diary entry.

Well, at about 11:40, I was awoken by a slight shaking of the boat. It wasn't anything serious... (I didn't think) so I went back to sleep.

At 12 am, I was awoken by someone screaming... It was not just screaming, it was a 'Charlie! Charlie!' I swung my bare feet over the bed and jumped up. I put on my slippers and rushed over into the living room. Then to the door. When I opened it, the volume was immense. People were screaming names; children were crying; men were hugging wives and I was watching. 'CHARLIE!'
My body stepped out of the room and I saw my mum. I didn't know where my father was.

Now I was getting scared.. What was the vibration? The ship make a stern moan and people stumbled as the corridor was slowly tilting to a diagonal angle. Peoples screams were cut out by a sharp voice which announced that "Women and Children are aloud on the lifeboats." My eyes lost focus as everything hit me at once. Everybody screamed and hurried to the door. The unsinkable ship was sinking, most of the people on here we're going to die.

Focus came back to me and I noticed my mother being carried away with the crowd. I had to get to her, so I pushed past people and ran through people's arms and legs. I finally got to my mum and she told me to stay with her no matter what. She pulled me along. I asked her where my father was. No reply. Asked again. No reply. I shouted "TELL ME NOW!'

She swallowed a lump and then replied 'Dead. Most likely. ' I was speechless. I was about to talk when my mother cut in. 'He went to find some extra life jackets. Below decks. And then rumour spread the below deck windows had burst... This was a smack in the face. Reality was finally sinking in, which was ironic.

My mother and I moved to the upperdeck, trying to squeeze in between people. By now, the ships front was underwater. My heart thumped my chest, making a strong pain across my chest. My breath came out of my mouth too quickly. I've had this once before, it's a panic attack. Legs crumbling, I fell to the floor.

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