Chapter 4

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The shower was much longer than normal. It had nearly been forty minuets until we did get out the shower. Natsu and I changed into our clothes well other than Natsu didn't put on his top. I did enjoy it. I liked him without one when it was just us. I was easy to get jealous I wouldn't lie. My emotions were easy to get out of control. I was wearing my pink sleeveless top with white trim and shorts as it looked like an amazing sunny day out. It was in the middle of Summer and near Natsu's birthday. 

I moved to the mirror, brushing my hair. I soon put most of my hair in a high left side pony tail while moved what I left behind to the sides of my face to frame it. My fringe still in place as I put the brush back in it's place as I headed out the bathroom to see Natsu on the phone looking out the window. He didn't look happy at all. I knew it had to work. I was worried about little Wendy. It felt weird not having her rush in the bedroom in the morning to wake us up. Natsu turned his head seeing me as he looked out the window.

"Meet at the office" he spoke ending the call as I walked over as he threw his phone onto the beg and put his hand on my waist soon as I was close and pulled me even closer to him. "News on Wendy?" I asked as he sighed shaking his head no. This got me worried about her even more. She learning to be a doctor like myself. I knew that she could put up a fight being born into the mafia group. "We will find her ok" Natsu kissed my forehead being able to see how worried I was. "I know you will" I replied smiling at him.

Natsu and his family always won their fights. It was rare for Fairy Tail to even lose. Then again he was also in the Dragneel family they rarely lose also. "I better head to work and pick a therapist and then check on Michelle. After that I have the day off" I spoke as Natsu smirked slightly pulling me into a kiss. My eyes closed kissing back my hands going onto his chest. Natsu ended up pinning me to wall next to the window. We pulled away needing air as I noticed he had on hand next to my head.

We was both breathing heavy, catching our breath. "God I love you" he spoke moving my waist closer to his. His words made me smile brightly as before I could reply he pressed his lips on mine once more. It did catch me off guard but I kissed back right away as I knew on the inside I was his way of staying calm. He could think clearly. He was worried about Wendy way more than I was. I knew he had everyone out looking for her but he had so much on his plate. Being a mafia leader and the head of a hard working company at once.

It must of been hard. We ended up pulling away hearing my pager on the desk. "I gotta check it" I spoke as Natsu kissed my forehead freeing me from the wall. I smiled walking over to the side picking up my pager seeing a 999 on it. My eyes widen as I rushed to the other side grabbing my phone. "Rush in, someone's badly hurt" I spoke as Natsu nodded rushing out with me giving me a lift to work. Once there he told me to message me right away to know what was up as I nodded rushing inside to the desk.

"Lucy thank god, Porlyusica needs help on the 5th floor, change into full gear" the head nurse spoke as I nodded going into the changing room and got into my blue doctors uniform. I grabbed my coat and put my pager on my belt and my phone in my coat pocket. I headed out and then to the stairs rushing up to the 5th floor of the building. The infection and bio ward. Someone rushed up here was rare and when they was it was deadly not just to the patient but to anyone else. I soon saw Porlyusica reading a clipboard.

"Porlyusica what has happened?" I asked worried as she looked toward me passing me the clipboard as I started reading. My eyes widen to see a unknown spreading infection was slowly and painfully murdering people. "Three already dead, ten others slowly dying" Porlyusica then informed me as I looked at her in pure utter shock. "How did this happened over one night? Normally infections take days or so to even start" I asked confused as she asked me to turn the page to the next one.

I looked to read that these people were kidnapped and the infection was injected into them. "They can't think straight enough to talk but the infection is spreading like crazy a nurse has just been found out to catch it, no one knows it it is air born or touch yet" Porlyusica sounded worried herself as I soon saw the list of patients. My eyes caught one name. Wendy Dragneel. I rushed ahead into the ward getting Porlyusica to shout my name. I kept running as fast as I could to see Wendy knocked out in bed.

She her skin around her face was bright red some parts pinkish even. It looked more of a fungus than a rash that what people wrote down as Porlyusica came over to my side. "Your future sister-in-law" she spoke understanding why I rushed over here. "Put me on this case" I begged looking at Porlyusica as she was looking at me with shock. "Please, I have to help her" I then begged as she sighed knowing with this I would join in even without permission. She knew I would work until death until someone I cared for was safe.

"Alright, get on it right away" Porlyusica soon answered as I nodded going to the lab on the ward floor getting information on what they had so far.

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