Chapter 10

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~Natsu's Pov~ 

That day Wendy and Lucy were watching movies in the bedroom as I was in the office in the house dealing with some paperwork and the mafia work. Raven Tail's boss was still in hiding. Bastard was good at it. The whole day was filled with work as I finished as I was tired as hell. It was a lot of work to do. I heard a knock on the door as I knew that was Wendy's knock. She came in looking toward me. "Lucy is in her pjs and going to sleep, she wanted me to tell you she wants you in there before she falls asleep" Wendy spoke smiling.

I chuckled as that sounded like Lucy. I got up walked over to her ruffling her hair. "I'm glad your alright, Romeo was very relief you was ok" I spoke as Wendy's cheeks burned up hearing the Romeo part. She had a huge crush on him. "Really?" she asked playing with a part of her hair getting me to chuckle again and move to her height. "How about you visit him tomorrow, I know he is stuck in that hospital for awhile" I spoke as Wendy hugged me. "I would love that" she spoke loudly as I hugged back.

"I will get Erza to pick you up" I spoke as she pulled away and laughed running off toward her room. I walked to my own room to see Lucy in bed sitting up slightly seeing me. "Lay back down you" I spoke walking over as I took my shoes off before. It was a pretty hot day today being why I took off my top earlier. I got onto my side of the bed as Lucy snuggled up to me. I smiled putting my arm around her, holding her close to me. "You work too hard" Lucy whispered as she sounded half asleep as I kiss her head.

"So do you" I whispered back getting her to laugh slightly as I noticed she was falling asleep. I laid there smiling at her. I couldn't help but too. She was so beautiful and she was all mine. I would do anything for her. I heard my phone vibrate on the side as I groaned stretching my free arm over to the side just able to grab my phone as Lucy was fast asleep or she would of stopped me from getting it. 

~From Mira,
Natsu big problem, Sabertooth know about Lucy! 

My eyes widen as I was reading the text over and over again as soon I was getting a call from none other than Sting. I looked at Lucy and sighed taking the call as she was a pretty heavy sleeper. "So getting married huh? Kept that quiet for awhile Salamander" I heard Sting's voice as I knew he must of been smirking. I gave out an annoyed tisk. "So what?" I asked knowing he been trying to get a trade through Magnolia for awhile. It wasn't drugs or things like that it was normal trade.

No one in Fairy Tail liked anyone in Sabertooth and he would send his own guys to come in do the trading and return. I think there would be a lot of murder of Sabertooth members if it happened. That would start a war we didn't need right now. "I wonder what would Phantom Lord do if they heard of this" Sting spoke as I froze up. Phantom Lord. We was at war with the mafia group. Two of my own members were once apart of them. They regretted it badly. Phantom Lord would do anything to get what they wanted.

"Want to start a war Sting? Should be ready to lose" I spoke harshly my eyes on Lucy to make sure I wasn't to loud. She ended up snuggling her face onto my chest getting me to calm down and smile slightly. "I just want my trade line Natsu, I think we could work well together I can also add in people to help with Phantom Lord, we know where they are" Sting spoke as damn we needed that information. We needed it badly. "It's late call me tomorrow" I spoke as I was basically telling him I would think on it.

I heard him chuckle. "Good, talk tomorrow Salamander" Sting spoke before I ended the call and sighed putting the phone back on the side as I looked toward Lucy using my now free hand to play with her hair. I was worried for her. I calmed down pretty fast seeing her smiling in her sleep. I soon then fell asleep for the night. When I woke up I saw Lucy smiling at me. "Morning" she spoke as she was on top of me. I smirked. "Morning beautiful" I whispered moving her head close to mine, her face burnt up slightly.

Like normal. "Got work today?" Lucy asked in a whisper as I shook my head no. She smiled as I pulled her into a deep kiss. I felt her kiss back as well as her hand slowly going down my chest getting me to groan in the kiss. I felt her smirk through it as I pulled away seeing her smirking. "Normally it's me doing the teasing" I mumble flipping us over, I now on top of her as she giggled her hands going onto my shoulders. "Thought I would spice things up" she spoke as I moved to her neck kissing it. 

I knew her, she was most likely biting her bottom lip. "" I spoke between kissed hitting her sensitive spot getting her to let out a soft moan. I kissed there once more before going back up her neck. "God I can't wait until Wendy leaves" I whispered as Lucy laughed slightly. My mind was on her but a part of it, a small part was on the fact Sting would call later that day. I hated him. I couldn't stand the bastard. I had to keep Lucy safe. She was the main thing I couldn't lose. 

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