Chapter 26

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~Natsu's Pov~ 

After three months had passed we was able to track every last Phantom Lord member, wiping out their mafia group. Wasn't very hard but after we finished them we started on looking into Raven Tail. Bob the Blue Pegasus leader had gotten some information I had Laxus, Gajeel and Levy looking into. I was with Lucy who was now four months along she was now showing slightly. "Natsu" Lucy called getting me to turn my head to see her leaning forward close to me. I was sitting on the couch in thought.

She was smiling toward me. "Mhmm?" I hummed as Lucy moved sitting on my lap her hands on my chest. "You have your annoyed thinking face" Lucy pointed out as I moved my hand onto her cheek. "Mira is talking to Flare today she won't give Raven Tail up so it's in my head lately" I answered as I promised Lucy no more hiding things after we married. It made her more happy when I finally opened up about it. "Let me talk to her, I know her" Lucy spoke as I pulling her closer to me. 

"Hell no, I ain't putting you two in danger" I spoke as Lucy gave me a quick kiss. "Please" she begged her hands going lower and lower down my chest. "Not while you are pregnant" I mumbled as Lucy chuckled moving her head forward, leaning it on my shoulder. "Two more weeks and we find out the gender" Lucy spoke sounding excited as I kissed her forehead. That was when the TV caught our attention at 'Magnolia Prison Break'. I looked at the TV keeping Lucy close to me still. 

From watching I found out that someone had freed all the prisoners as it is feared they would come to town. The prison wasn't in the town but wasn't very far away. I got my phone out my pocket calling Mira who answered right away. "We all saw the news too, what we gonna do boss?" Mira asked as many of the people in there I helped put away. The whole me and Lucy being together was out now thanks to the press and TV reporters. "You will be joining Erza in protection of Lucy, get everyone together to look after the town, I know you can get the pictures of those of broke out" I spoke as Mira giggled.

"Understood" Mira ended the call as Lucy looked at me slightly worried. "Everything's going to be fine" I whispered playing with a part of Lucy's hair as she only nodded slowly, snuggling her face into my neck yawning. With her sickness, Lucy has been struggling to sleep much. I moved Lucy to be holding her in a bridal hold as I got up heading to the stairs to see Carla hissing at Happy on her bed. Happy didn't seem to understand her looking toward her with his head tilted. "Nice you two" I mumbled as I carried Lucy up the stairs.

By the time we was in our room, Lucy was fast asleep. I placed her on the bed sitting next to her. I wouldn't let anyone hurt her. I got up leaving her to sleep as I headed down the stairs to see Happy running up the stairs most likely to our room. He liked sleeping with someone close by. I did leave the door open slightly just in case Lucy needed me. Carla was licking her pawn as the door went. I nearly shouted to Virgo I had it as I answered the door to see Mavis. "Looks like you guys will be needing help" she spoke holding a folder in hand.

"I am lucky Lucy is fast asleep not to hear this talk" I spoke letting Mavis inside and closing the door behind her. We headed to the living room as she got out twenty photos. Some of these were old Phantom Lord members. "These are the people who broke out. All have one thing in common" Mavis spoke as I sighed knowing what it was. "They hate me" I answered as Mavis nodded some worry in her eyes. "Zeref has his people on the way to help protect Lucy and the town" Mavis informed me.

"Be nice if he would tell me that himself" I mumbled as Mavis laughed agreeing with me. She was asking about who would be guarding Lucy as I answered Erza and Mira. Those two were the best we had in Fairy Tail. Both never lost a fight. "I know you won't leave Lucy's side unless you have too Natsu but can I join the security?" Mavis asked as she was very skilled with a gun and knife. I knew it would make Lucy calmer and happier on top. "Alright but no getting Lucy too worried or upset about this" I then answered.

"I wouldn't dare give any risk of her losing that child" Mavis spoke glaring toward me as Carla came into the room jumping up on the couch and then laid down on Mavis's legs. "I swear she is a lap cat" I spoke as Mavis laughed no long glaring toward me as she was petting Carla, who was purring ever so slightly. "Ivan wants Fairy Tail for himself, he will try at anything to get it" I soon mumbled leaning back trying to think of a way to find the bastard and end his life. He already put Lucy at risk without even knowing we was together.

With everyone and most of Fiore knowing we was together now, I was worried what he would do next. "I wouldn't want some bastard like him running the mafia group I made" Mavis soon spoke as I heard Lucy coming down the stairs. I moved the pictures back into the file before putting it on the side. "I fell asleep on you" Lucy spoke coming into the room as I got up walking over pulling her close to me. "You need rest so it's fine" I replied as she smiled toward me. "YOUR SHOWING!" Mavis nearly shouted in excitement.

Lucy laughed as we turned around facing Mavis. "When is the gender revel?" Mavis asked sparkles in her eyes as Lucy hugging me. "A week or so" Lucy answered as Mavis clapped her hands excited as I saw Lucy was still tired. I picked her up and walked over to the couch sitting down, putting Lucy in my lap. Her cheeks were tinted red. "Rest" I whispered kissing her forehead. Lucy smiled putting her head on my shoulder. "You two really are the true otp" Mavis giggled getting up grabbing the file.

"I be around a little later" Mavis gave me a wink as she left, Virgo showing her out. I turned my head to Lucy who was half asleep already. Happy came over jumping up onto Lucy's lap laying down as Carla headed back to her bed in the hallway. 

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