The Stupid Duckling

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I knew a family of ducks

That lived by the lake.

The mommy duck every day

would with her 4 babies wake. (because the daddy duck worked nights, and so he didn't wake up with them)

But anyway, where were we?

Ah yes, those ducklings small.

Three of them were special,

The other one wasn't at all.

Jessie was the oldest,

With James in the middle,

Joe was the second youngest,

And Steve was the little.

One day while at Science school,

Jessie happened to invent

A brand new type of robot,

That didn't cost a cent.

One day while at English school,

James wrote a book.

It was called "An Explanation of the Totality of the Investigation of the Questions of Human Existence"

One day while at Music school,

Joe wrote a song.

A full symphony, to be exact

And not a single note was wrong.

One day while at Stupid Kid school,

Steve had an thought.

"I'll put peanut butter with my jelly!" he said.

The teacher said, "Better not."

"But what are you talking about?

This could be a breakthrough in food!"

The teacher said, "Go ahead,

I don't even care what you do, dude."

But Steve should have listened

To the wise teacher's words.

Because Steve was allergic to nuts,

As were all the other birds.

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