Chapter 2

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I woke up to a dim room with a shitty light bulb, no windows, and one desolate door. I tried to get up, but I looked down to see that I was strapped to a chair, both arms and legs by metal cuffs that were on the chair. Where in the bloody hell am I? 

"Vete a la mierda, chica española!" I shouted. That meant 'fuck you, Spanish girl' in Spanish. Don't ask me how I knew that. The door creaked open a tiny bit, letting in a few rays of light. A dark smoke travelled through the opening and took a physical form in front of me. It wore a mask of some sort, a black jacket that went up to his heels and shells for a shotgun. He probably doesn't even know how to reload. "I'm going to die, isn't it? Please make it quick. I have work today."

"Haha, very funny. Keep speaking in that tone and I'll kill you. Anyway, I have a few questions to ask you." He said, his voice deeper than the ocean itself. I snorted and stared at him. Seems like I'm stuck here for interrogation.

"Then will I be freed?" I asked excitedly. He shook his head, and I lost my hopes that were high. I wonder what his face looks like. Or, what expression would he be giving me right now? His voice reminded me of someone, but I'm not too sure. Just follow the flow, Laurissa, follow the flow, I reassured myself.

"You're a Vero, the daughter of Bella Vero and Takahiro Vero. Why did they, a perfectly normal couple, join blackwatch?" He interrogated monotonously. As I contemplated on my choices he pulled out a shotgun.

"Fine... My parents were partners in crime. My mom Bella was an assassin usually hired by the Shimada clan for god knows what, and my dad Takahiro was a thief, who had affiliations with the Deadlock gang." I explained, taking a deep breath in. "Takahiro gained guns from the Deadlock gang and shared them between himself and Bella. Then I was born. But then, Takahiro got caught, and was about to be taken to jail when my mom suddenly turned herself in, confessing that she was with him. Then they were asked by this guy, Jack Morrison, to either join prison separated and give me up for adoption in a different country or join blackwatch. They chose to join, because of me, for the sake of my life."

"Good. Do you know any of the crimes they committed together?" He asked in his dark tone of voice. I sighed, trying to remember. I was fifteen when they died, so you would've thought that I could remember, but only one came to mind.

"There was this time when they decided to rob a bank, and they did it successfully. But they killed a lot of people." I responded shortly. He nodded and proceeded with the questions. They were all about my parents, and occasionally me, but we finally got to the last question. I looked around for some sort of opening to do free myself, but nothing happened.

"Your parents, they subjected you to testing, experimentation for overwatch. Something was implanted in your brain. What is it?" He inquired. I opened my mouth but stopped. Wait, did he just say that I was experimented on and had something put in my brain? "What now? Answer quickly, you're wasting my time."

"You must've gotten the wrong person, because I wasn't experimented on. Nor did I have anything put in my brain." I told him in confusion. He made this 'hmm...' noise. "Unless it is me. So that would mean my answer to that question would be 'I'm not sure', but it would be useless, because I don't know shit."

He paced around the room, arms folded. He also made a heavy sigh. I stared at him in annoyance. Why would he need to know this information? I also sighed but was still tense from the fact that I was tied to a fucking chair in a room with no windows. The Spanish girl slammed the door open and burst into the room.

"Oh, you're that puta I had to deal with yesterday! Don't worry, amiga, we have big plans for you, and you're gonna love it!" She exclaimed, in her thick Spanish accent. The smoke guy looked at her. I can't tell what he's thinking, but it's probably 'what the fuck is up with this girl'. "Sleep tight, we're coming to get you tomorrow. And you won't be disappointed!"

They both left me, the dim light flickering. I really didn't have any choice but to wait. I inhaled and exhaled deeply. No point in resisting, is there? I've always been pessimistic... I felt my eyes become heavy, and I let the darkness consume my sight.

I opened my eyes to see the elegant living room I was in. It was fancily decorated, so my immediate thoughts were that the owners were douchebags. Then it hit me. This is my home, before I was left to my aunt, who also died. I got up and looked at myself in the round mirror on the wall. I looked like my six-year-old self again. My parents walked in the room, laughing and smiling. The nostalgia... Dreams are unpredictable, I love them. I get to see things I will never get to see ever again.

"Laurissa, are you alright? Sorry the trip was long, mommy and daddy had to stay somewhere. It's called Dorado, in Spain, and it's beautiful. You wanna go there someday with us? We'll take you for a holiday, once we get a few days off, alright?" My mom said. I nodded, accordingly to my memories. Yeah, I remember this so vividly. Dad ruffled my hair, then sat on the sofa.

"What did you do there?" I questioned, my curiosity getting the best of me. Dad smiled, and I walked over to him to sit on his lap.

"We defeated some evil pirates, who wanted to steal some of our stuff! We defeated them all, and saved our stuff using swords! Isn't it, mommy?" He explained, winking at mom. She gave us a thumbs up. I could feel myself beaming. I was so gullible back then... "Then we met some ninjas, who also wanted our stuff..."

He trailed off into more story, and the dream ended.


Second chapter! I'm sorry, it probably isn't that good, and I realise that it drags on, but hey! Some interaction with Reaper/Gabriel Reyes, and Laurissa's backstory. As a reaper main, I tried to make his dialogue fit best into his personality, but I think I failed miserably. Sorry guys lol.


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