chapter 4 | 四

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"aghh!" the (e/c) eyed girl cupped her head in her hands. it was friday, and she was sitting on the bench in the school gym, trying to study for her science test. she excelled at most subjects. in fact, she was well-above average in almost all of her classes. unfortunately, she was having a lot of trouble with this particular subject. she completely flopped the first quiz, so she had a re-test coming up.

"(f/n)-chan, what's wrong?" hinata asked, approaching her in the middle of practice. "are you okay?"

"huh?" the girl looked up. "yeah, thanks hinata, i'm fine! just having a little trouble studying, that's all.'

"but (f/n)-sama," tanaka praised. "aren't you in class 1-5? a college preparatory class."

"well, yes, but i just can't seem to grasp this concept."

tsukishima, who happened to be standing right behind her at the time, peered over her shoulder at her notes.

"tch, this is so simple." he snorted, walking away.

"shut up."

"hey, tsukki!" yamaguchi exclaimed. "aren't you in class 1-4? a college prep class too? maybe you could help (f/n) out."

the megane shot him a glare, burning holes into the poor boy's head.

"o-or not... h-hah, that's fine too..." yamaguchi stuttered, running away.

"you know, you should help her tsukishima." suga advised him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

the bespectacled boy picked up one of (f/n)'s old tests that was peeking out of her binder. he read over it and guffawed. (f/n) shot up to grab it back, but the boy held it above her head, reviewing all of her answers. was she serious? how did she even make it to class 1-5?

"pfft- hahah..." the boy snickered.

"give it back! tsukishima! gosh why are you so tall?!"she ranted. "you-you titan!"

"baka, as the answer to the question asking what hard water was, on the transparency quiz, you wrote ice." the team hid their laughter.

"so mean!" she puffed out her cheeks.

"yeah! be kind to our precious first-year princess!" noya called. "teach her."

" no thanks." tsukishima began to walk away.

"it's fine nishinoya-senpai-"

"senpai?!" the boy's eyes gleamed, and he ran over to fawn over the poker-faced girl. "i'm taking you out for ice cream! tsukishima! help her!!"

the whole team snapped their heads in his direction expectantly, casting him judging regards. finally they succeeded in guilt-tripping him to agree to help her the following weekend.


after practice, coach ukai treated them to buns. they went to the convenience store and purchased three bags, filled with meat buns.

"thanks for the food!" the boys chorused, before digging in.

(f/n) sat in between suga and daichi, happily munching on her bun. when her parents told her that she had to move, she was saddened at the thought of leaving everything behind.

"thank you for encouraging tsukishima to help me!" she suddenly thanked them, standing up and bowing repeatedly.

"oh, don't worry about it!" daichi chuckled nervously, as suga ushered her to stop bowing. "he needs to learn how to take initiative to help out anyways."

"but, i can't help but feel guilty, you know..."

"why's that?" suga questioned.

"well, he's already required to walk me to, and back from school," she explained, after taking another bite out of her bun. " i just feel problematic."

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