21st March 2011

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Dear Bob,

Vampires attacked us last night. Us = Me, Reece and Logan. Yup, we’re like the three musketeers. I might start calling us that and see how they like it.

Alfie came to the rescue, and turns out there is more to him than just a snake who can be some dwarf like human with medusa hair. He knows how to fight, and totally kicked the tail of another of his kind. AND the coolest part is he has retractable spines in his tail that can cut a vamp in half.  I got him to show it to me just before, the more I praise him for his actions the happier he seems to be. I think just being around me makes him happy.

He is even being nice to Logan.

I think he like Reece more because he fed him and is keeping the bathtub full of water for him. I wouldn’t have thought a creature from the otherworld would like water so much, then again we don’t really know what the otherworld is like. I just kind of presume it’s all hot lava and flames, you know – hell. I guess it has to have something more to sustain all these creatures. Since Alfie was created here and not there, its not like I can ask him about it because doesn’t know.

I feel we’re all safer with him around. More importantly, I feel safer with him around. Logan has left me alone with Reece while he goes to try and find a car or van for us to keep moving around in now we have Alfie. We can’t risk putting the academy in danger, and I doubt he’ll go back even if I command him to.

Reece keeps look at me. I hate that I’m still nervous around him. He left the underground to help Logan find me despite his own fears of coming out. He has been nothing but a good, no a great friend. He thinks he owes me his life. I guess he kind of does, but I don’t think of it like that. If he moves too fast, I struggle not to flinch and even last night when he got me out of the vampires van, a part of me was terrified of his help. I battle demons, I’ve been killing vampires – one man, a friend, shouldn’t be able to terrify more than any of that.

I am so fucked up right now. I don’t get that fear when he touches me though it’s like it disappears. He can hold me, I can sleep beside him – it’s fine. Minutes like this, I’m praying he can’t sense my unease. If Alfie isn’t acting worried about me, I guess he can’t. That snake is more in tune to me than anything else in this world.

Oddly, I think Reece would have to be second. He seems to know what I am thinking before I do which is even more unnerving. Logan is good at picking up shit too, and he has become a lighter sleeper because of it. I’ve discovered I don’t like sleeping alone after having Logan beside me. It’s nice. I get why people do it. I know I can trust him but I just, I cant let what happened go. Sure it wasn’t major bad, but I hate being left out of the loop.

Speaking of being out of the loop, I am worried about Jordan. Again. I’ve discovered Mums lineage runs to the Winters. We can’t get hold of anyone down there and I think, somehow, Alison has something to do with that. I hope I’m wrong, but we’re going back tonight and if I am wrong about it, I will stop being stubborn and arguing with everyone and I will even listen to Jordan and Dad from now on.

Please Bob, please let me be wrong.

Elise Bunting.
(aka Sherlock Holmes)

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