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"Oh... Oh thank god. Oh, thank god and God bless you." Ethan puts his hands together, he looks down at the ground as he speaks, he then looks up and walks into the house, you and Blake follow behind.

It was totally silent until Blake let out a groan in pain.

"You really busted your head open, didn't you?" Ethan asks him, Blake shakes his head as he closes the door.

"I'll be okay. I..." Blake stumbled off, not truly knowing what he was actually going to say.

"Head down into the root cellar. I got a bed down there." Ethan was at the back of the room, opening a hatch on the floor, you and Blake quickly made your way over to Ethan and down into the hatch.

"It's all right. You just relax here, I'll keep the two do you safe." Ethan reassures you and Blake as he closes the hatch, you sigh in relief.

"It's nice to have someone not chasing us." You tell Blake as you crawl to the nearby mattress on the floor, you lie down, it was small, and wasn't comfortable, but it was somewhere you could rest, Blake lies down next to you.

"Yeah, honestly, I'm almost relaxed." Blake scoffs, as do you, you then turn to the side and your eyes are quickly shut.

"Blake, {Y/N}... Please... Where are you? I'm scared." There was a whisper calling out both yourself and Blakes name, you quickly recognised the voice, footsteps were then heard.

"He's coming. AH! HE'S HERE! GET AWAY! FAST! AHH!" Jessica screams in horror. With that, you say up, hitting your head off of the wooden floorboards.

"I ain't hiding nothing." You hear Ethan say, you quickly shake Blake awake, he sits up slowly and was about to ask you a question before a voice stopped him.

"Righteousness cannot pass in blood by loins, but the blood of your heart." The voice was familiar.

"I kenn Papa's gospel. I copied 'em a hunnert times. If I knew where the outsiders were..." Ethan seemed to be trying to explain himself, you crawled over to a floorboard that had a hole in it, letting you look up at Ethan and...

"She's the one that wants us dead!" You mouth to Blake, he quickly nods and crawls over next to you.

"The prophet don't need your help in finding the devil's whore and her rut-mates." The woman quickly tells Ethan.

"Rut-mates...?" You question.

"Knoth questions even now other heretics at chapel. God'll guide him." The woman finished.

"I ain't a heret-!" Ethan was cut off by the woman swinging her... Well, what looked like an oversized axe, and breaking a table in half. Ethan screamed in panic and backed up, you and Blake were looking through a different crack in the floorboard, Ethan had backed up against a wall.

"You sinned when you denied the prophet your daughter. You sinned since to deny it." The woman's voice had become angrier and louder.

"Please! Please, just let me talk to Knoth!" Ethan begs.

"You know where the outsiders are. Ones seed begat the enemy. The other helps. God and the prophet both want their blood." As the woman was talking, Ethan speaks up over her.

"Just let me talk to Knoth. I can explain..." Ethan gives a final plea.

"God don't hear dead men." And with that, she stabbed him, she stabbed him and she lifted him up the wall with the axe, she kept him like that for a few seconds before throwing him to the ground, his gasps for air and for life were all that was heard.

"God loves you. God loves you." The woman whispers before driving the weapon into Ethan.

"Catamite to the devil." She says as she walks away, out of the house.

"I hope you found your daughter." Blake says sadly, you were in too much shock to say anything, you slowly crawled around until you saw a loose wood plank, you ripped it off and climbed through the new hole in the floor.

The first thing you were greeted with was Ethan's body with a pool of blood around him.

"You didn't give us up to her. Even though... I... Thank you. " You finally speak up, thanking the body that lay in front of you.

Blake quickly began looking around the room, he had found a note.

"Do you want to read it?" He holds it up, you nod slowly and take the note out of his hand.

You got to tell Papa that Anna Lee was sick and that's the truth, she's gone to live with her Mama and the rest of the Scalled. She was horrible afflicted and her injuries too doleful for examination and I just sent her off because it was all I could do. You got to know I wouldn't have done it if there was any other choice because I loved that girl more than my life or anything else and I don't know why Papa Knoth would think I was lying but you got to convince him to the truth. God love you.
Your cousin,

You sighed as you and Blake left the house.

You mostly followed whatever light you saw, you had found a lamppost was was creaking, it annoyed you.

You and Blake had to then walk through the dirty water, you found a house above you, there was someone who was standing at the edge of the porch.

"There is wailing, there is pain, there is blood, but it is joyous all, for we...are in the sorrows of a travailing woman, from this arbor is the place of the breaking forth of yes, the children of hell, but also the opportunity of our salvation. For God is great and Knoth is his prophet, and Knoth will ransom us from the power of the grave. Knoth will redeem us from death, for even redemption cannot be hid from the split eye. We are robed in the crimson glory of revelation!" The woman reads from a book, you didn't want to listen to her whole speech, but Blake wanted to record it.

Finally, she walks away, and you finally get out of the muddy water.

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