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"Blake, I swear to god if you tell me what I landed in I'm going to fucking gut you, so help-" Before you could finish threatening your brother, he cuts you off mid-sentence.

"You landed in a pile of guts and shit." He states simply, you stand up and look down at your hands, they were covered in blood and faeces, you walked up to Blake and without saying anything, you wiped your hands on his face, you wipe your hands in his hair and up his nose.

"I hope you sneeze dead cow shit for the rest of your life." You tell him before he pushes you away, he gags on the smell and leans on the barn wall, obviously waiting to throw up, sadly for him, the throw up never came.

"You're fucking disgusting, you know that?" Blake looks at you, disgusted as you begin to walk away, you give him a thumbs up with your dirtied hand.

"A note!" You quickly break the awkward silence as you pick a note up and begin to read it out.

"Soul of Christ, make me ready,
Father Knoth, guide my salvation,
Blood of Christ, let me drink your wine.
By the severed eye; give me vision.
Angel of God, lend me your sword.
Kind Jesus, hear my prayer
Heal me in your wounds
Keep me close to you
Defend me from a wicked world
And ready me for the Devil's hour
In the fellowship of Temple Gate
That I might defend your Creation
until you give me rest.

"That's the creepiest prayer I've ever fucking heard." Blake says, you nod in agreement as the two of you continue walking.

"A speaker! We must be close to the village!" You shout with excitement, but your excitement is cut short as you and Blake see and a blinding white light and a deafening horn noise.

"What the fuck was that?!" Blake asks, you shake your head in disbelief.

"I have no fucking idea..." You say, staring at the speaker.

As you started walking again, you quickly noticed a large group of dead birds surrounding you and Blake.

You and Blake walked into a small barn, hoping to quickly pass through, but, when Blake turned to torch on his camera on, all hopes were crushed when you saw the gigantic hole in the floor.

You and Blake turned back and walked down a nearby path, you found some rocks and started to climb, once at the top of the rocks, you were greeted with a sketchy cave, of course, the two of you made your way into the cave and climbed through.

Once further into the cave, you and Blake saw something that you could only describe as the devil.

It looked like a homemade statue, made out of sticks and bones, you didn't know what it was meant to represent, maybe Satan?

"A church?" Blake questions, you give him a blank stare.

"Since when did churches have Satan in them?" You ask, he nods.

"Maybe some kind of... Heretic temple." Blake quickly confirms.

As you and Blake continued to climb around that cave you began to hear a small whisper.

The voice was familiar, like a young girl you once knew, when you were out of the cave, you saw her, hanging from a nearby tree.

You began to run towards her.

"Jessica!" You shout out, but by the time you got to the tree, she wasn't there.

"You... You saw her too, didn't you?" You ask Blake, he nods slowly, putting his camera down.

You sigh as the two of you begin walking again, but stop when you hear another familiar voice.

"Any heretics God delivers to you, bind in with and bring to the chapel. We will root out the outsider whore who's brought this darkness to the good earth. The tribulations are upon us, and we must make ready for righteous violence in the name of the Lord. Pray and hold fast, God loves you." Knoth delivers his speech through the speakers.

"If they're keeping heretics in the chapel, someone there's bound to know where Lynn is!" You come to a quick conclusion as you start your journey down back into the village.

You and Blake found a small house, you went into the door and made your way down a small narrow hall, it ended with stairs that you had to crawl under to get out.

You had then found a note.

"March 9
More children dead. Knoth says there is no sin in such infanticide, as all are soldiers in God's army. Martyrs fallen on the field in defiance of the Archfiend. All those babies with slit throats and charred flesh will be waiting immaculate for us in paradise.
Papa Knoth also says that our sins find us in our dreams. Our sins find us in our dreams. But my dreams are nothing but the murder of my children. And I wake laughing, and aroused, and often wet with the involuntary lust of sleep.
I woke this morning thinking I was wetted with the blood of a child's slit throat, but it was wetness of my own making.
The others are having similar dreams. We have dug a runner so that we may meet in secret. We gather and share our visions and wonder at their meaning.
I feel increasingly this is a message. But nothing holy."

"Jesus Christ, what a bunch of fucking psychos." You put the note down in disgust.

You and Blake made your way to the top of the house, you heard Knoth giving another speech, but you and Blake ignored it, instead, you decided to read out a note you found on a nearby table.

Papa. Ezekiel. Liar. Charlatan. Temple to gout. Addict. Coward. Rapist. Child killer.
I am gone, and I have taken with me all with the courage to see the truth.
Come after us. Hunt us down. We are waiting and eager to murder and fuck every body you send up the mountain.
I don't hate you. Could Jesus hate the Baptist for being a Jew? I could not have found my true vision without your years of ignorance and bullshit. I could never have had the courage to seek the truth if not fuelled by my anger at your lies.
Your God is a child's superstition. Your faith is an embarrassment.
The signs of the True Father were before you. Before us all. And you, vainglorious, gullible, too stupid to draw breath, you though the visions were punishment from an angry ominous God.
Your god is afraid because your god is no god at all. Your god is your own ego, vulnerable and false. An embarrassment.
My god is no god at all. But he is true. And he is here in every moment of ecstasy. And his child will fuck and tear this world to everlasting glory.
I do not ask that you join us. I tell you: you will join us. Because our love is greater than you can ever imagine.

"Bet that they have murder orgies." You say randomly as you put the note back down, Blake furrows his eyebrows.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asks as he makes his way over to a bookcase blocking a door, he begins to push it.

"Just hear me out! The heretics seem to enjoy all things sexual, for example, licking people's faces and telling their enemies how they are going to fuck everyone who tries to stop them. I feel like they're into like orgies and necrophilia and shit like that." You explain to Blake, he shakes his head.

"You're fucking gross, you realise that?" He says, opening the door.

"You call it gross, I call it thinking ahead, don't blame me if you get caught up in a heretic orgy because you didn't expect it."

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