Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Finnick Pov.

I leave Annie on her birthday and when I get on the train, and I feel angry, sad, and guilty. We stop in twelve, then eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, three, two, and one. It was all so boring. All those days went by so slow, all I did was go up on stage, said some meaningless words that are written on notecards, and receive a plaque and flowers. We get to the Capital and it's the last day of the tour. We have to have a party at Snow's mansion. When I get there, Pearl shows me through the mansion to the backyard and there's enough food to feed the entire country. I eat some fish and salad and I'm full because it's so rich. The president gives me a congratulation speech and the party ends. I get back on the train to get to Annie. I hated every day of this trip. I'm so happy it's ending. It feels like the train is going slower than it was on the way here. I'm probably just anxious. I lay in my bed and fall asleep.


I wake up and I'm in district three. One more district to go. The train pulls up and I jump out. Annie is standing there of course and she hugs me when I get out.

"Didn't take that long huh?" I ask her.

"It felt like a long time but it wasn't that bad." she says. "Oh and my surprise party was awesome by the way. Thanks for setting it up."

"I had to do something nice for you considering I wasn't going to be able to be with you." I tell her. "You had a good time though?"

She nods her head and smiles. "Now come home, I made you some food."

I walk home with her and she made me pancakes with eggs.

"Thanks Ann." I thank her.

"No problem." she puts the pancakes and the eggs on two small separate plates the way I like it. She always tells me it's a waste but I got into such a habit of separating my food.

I take a bite. "These are really good." I smile.

She smiles back and serves up her food on one big plate. She sits down next to me.

"So how was the tour?" she asks me.

"Boring, pointless, stupid." I tell her.

She laughs. "You liked your party though?" I ask.

"Yea it was fun, I just wish you were there." she says sadly.

"Yea I do to." I say.

"So how was the party at Snow's mansion?" she asks.

"Boring. The people were drinking some weird blue liquid, and it made them throw up so that they could eat more food." I remember all of the people at the party doing this except for me.

"That's disgusting! Ewww!" she laughs.

"It was disgusting to watch to." I laugh.

"Oh there's one more thing I thought we could do today." she says.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Well I set up a little picnic and I thought we could take it down to the beach like old times." she says softly.

"That sounds fun." I say happily. I finally get to hang out with her and not have to worry about leaving until the reaping in the next fourteen days.

"Ok, I have our bathing suites in here to." she says.

"Ok cool." I reply.

We start walking to the beach, when we get there we set up the picnic the same way we always have. We don't talk about the hunger games, or me leaving, or the reaping in a couple of days. We just tell each other jokes and swim and be a normal couple together. I wish it could be like this all the time. But it can't happen, unless there's someone who is a miracle worker and can bring down the Capital.

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