Preparing ~THREE~

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I woke up. Lucas and Chiron stood over me. 'She is awake.'Chiron whispered to Lucas. 'I know so shush!' Lucas demanded. I couldn't remember what had happened the other day, I didn't even know what day it was! My brother, Lin, stood over me too as I jumped up. 'Lin!' I shouted hugging him as I haven't seen him ever since I left home. 'Cara!' He said looking amazed. 'What..?' I asked, He looked like he had never seen me before now. 'You..'                                                  'I...?' Now I was very VERY tired. 'Lin, Cara has a..' Chiron whispered to Lin, Though I couldn't really hear what they were saying. 'Yeah, ok. See ya' Cara.' Lin said bye, but I still wanted to hear what he was going to say about me..

'Cara,' Chiron started. 'You have to go for a  quest, right now.' Now I was SO pumped up. 'What? Where? Wh-' 'Its very exciting, I know.' So I guess I have to wait, No! I don't he said now! I jumped out of the small bed and shot out, well, I tried to.. Chiron got hand on my camp-half-blood shirt and pulled me back. It sort of hurt, but did he care? The answer is no! 'Ow!' I squealed. 'Sorry, child. But just not yet.' Chiron said gently. He handed me my blue back with streaks of yellow. I thought he was going to tell me to-'Pack!' And I was right..

In my cabin (I say my cabin because it's really only me and Thalia's.) I began packing. I was day dreaming at that very moment. It was about my friend that I haven't seen in a while. His name was Jall. Now he is a satyr but still a good friend. He must protect me, but sometimes.. I protect him... Weird, huh? I woke up, and I shot into action.

                5 MINUTES LATER

I got up and shot out the door, greeted by Lucas and Amanda. I said 'Where's Connor?' Lucas sighed and said 'He is saying goodbye to his.. Teddies..' I laughed but nobody else did.. So I stopped and began walking to Connor's cabin. 'Hey.. You coming, Connor?' I asked, he just got up and sobbed,               'Yeah..'
So there we were, walking out of our homes. We were like a group of super heroes! Connor kept on doing super hero poses but we just sort of went with it. After a while Connor tried to get our attention by talking about none other then "Super Heroes" and how we might become a group of heroes.

               I DON'T F'N KNOW.
Now we were in a taxi going to the Empire State Building. At some point I tried to pick up a chat but none of them seemed to care.. This was not normal..

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