Hogwarts AU (Part 10)

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Aelin could smell the rain and storm clouds above her as her team marched forward, forcing her across the threshold into the Quidditch field. The droplets of water pelted on her leather gear, the part of her that didn't want her hair to get ruined recoiled, but as the water soaked through her red undershirt and strands of her hair limply clung to her face Aelin let go. Let go of that superficial worry by accepting the rain. Let the freedom of being on the field immerse her- the already damp clothes and water filled boots only made her more eager to fly and throw caution to the wind. They crossed the field to the center where a suitcase lay, her cold gaze slid to the yellow-clad Hufflepuff players that emerged from the fog, their brooms dragging in the mud. As she banished the concern for her appearance, she did her best to banish her panicked worry with it, she tried to force the images of Aedion crying over the letter out. Still, she was keenly aware that it was not her cousin's footsteps that sloshed against the grass behind her. That fact alone made her squirm. 

The Gryffindor Keeper halted, he was replacing Aedion as the team captain.  The two students clasped hands above the case on the ground. The referee who had blown the whistle wore bright purple robes and had created a force field around himself to repel the rain. Aelin's muscles tensed as he bent down, lighting struck a goal post, he flicked the gleaming golden latch open and the twin Bludgers shot into the fog. The golden snitch that always seemed to catch her eye did a delicate twirl before zipping after them. Around Aelin her teammates boosted up. She pushed off the field, hovering for a second before the Quaffle was tossed in the air.

Ansel bursted forward colliding into a blonde blur as Asterin, the opposing chaser, beat her to the red ball. Her snarl rumbled along with the thunder above and she circled around, her curly red locks that she refused to tie back flying in her face. One look at each other and they chased after the girl. Gryffindor's third chaser fell into position as Aelin flew above Asterin, she cut down- the chaser was forced to swerve into Ansel's side- who already had that bloodthirsty gleam in her eyes. Her armor-clad hand slithered between Asterin's elbow for the ball, knocking it up towards Aelin. A burst of wind sent the goal posts swaying swept across the field, her broom was forced off course and she watched helplessly as the ball was pushed into the hands of a Hufflepuff chaser. The boy wasted no time drawing his hand back and hurling it into the highest goal loop. 

Cheers surrounded the field, though Aelin couldn't see which houses were responsible from the vicious edge in them she imagined it was the Slytherins leading the celebration. 

"Ten points to Hufflepuff!" the commentator screamed. 


What Aelin's muscles told her was hours later the shrill voice sounded again, "Hufflepuff scores again! Meaning Hufflepuff is in the lead with fifty points while Gryffindor still drags behind with only ten points in total!"

Shit, Aelin hadn't even seen the goal Hufflepuff just scored. She couldn't see anything, Gryffindor's one and only goal had been a wicked and not entirely legal play by Ansel. Aelin flew meters above the goal post to avoid balls and students. Her teammates trailed the tails of the Hufflepuff chasers when she would hear the roar of "Galathynius!" she would shoot down towards the sound and try to get the Quaffle. So far everytime had been a failure. It was a mystery to Aelin how the Huffelpuffs were scoring, they had to be using some sort or rain repelling hex. The storm that had been hanging on the horizon had drifted directly above them. The only bright side to the lightning pulsing down was that Aelin was so occupied by not getting fried she couldn't let her thoughts drift to Aedion or her aunt.  

An impossibly loud whistle cut through the thunder. Her shoulders sagged with relief, the selfish part of her just wanted to rest and give up but Aedion's last demand kept her crouching on her broom, her ears and eyes alert to any giveaways. The break, which either meant Ansel had finally snapped and bit someone's head off or that the Keeper had called a meeting, was welcomed. Aelin fell into a  controlled freefall to the ground, her arms almost too sore to pull up. At the last second survival reflexes kicked in and her hands yanked upwards allowing her to land solidly on her feet. Ansel- who looked just as shitty as Aelin felt- was immediately in her face.

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