Hogwarts AU (Part 5)

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Aelin waited on her bed for the other girls to come filing into the dorm, she didn't want to run into Aedion on the way out. She shook her head, she was still mad at him, he was acting so overprotective. And not the almost tolerable overprotective, where he was on the defense but still always on her side, nope. It felt like Aedion was attacking her, and she wasn't use to avoiding him- so she guessed that was why she felt that pull towards Rowan. 

The door clicked open, a warm skinned girl with curly brown hair came in, Sorscha. 

"Hi" she said quietly. 

Aelin smiled on instinct.

Sorscha smiled back before rushing off to her bed, pulling out books and quills.  

Aelin checked her watch 8:00 pm, she could leave in three hours at least. She picked back up her book and read as the rest of the girls entered.

"Hey.." Ansel said when she walked in, coming straight to Aelin. Ansel and Aelin had once been best friends, but then stuff happened and it fell apart. Now, they were just good friends. 

She put her book down, "What?" Aelin asked suspiciously. 

"So.." Ansel started, sitting down next to her, "I heard you and Rowan were 'hanging out.'" 

She winked, and all the other girls' heads poked up.

"Oh my god! Rowan? He's super hot!" one chirped in. 

Following Ansel's example they all huddled around her bed. Aelin rolled her eyes.

"Did you kiss?" Ansel asked, wiggling her stark red eyebrows. All the girls leaned in.

Aelin decided to humor them, "Yes.." she answered rolling her eyes.

A collective mush of gasps and giggles went around the room. 

"Was he good?" Another asked.

Aelin leaned back, tapping her chin, and clucked her tongue, "I guess."

After a good gossip session the girls had dispersed and Aelin was able to read again. When her eyes began to sting she glanced down at her watch, 11:00 pm, if she left now it would be early... but she had become bored with the book and didn't feel like gossiping with the others.

Aelin abruptly stood, carefully marking her page before striding to the door.

"Are you going to meet with Rowan?" Ansel questioned with a wicked grin. 

She only smirked over her shoulder before shutting the door behind her. 


Walking through the dark corridors to the dungeon was creepy, Aelin only had her wand to light her way. Every sound made her jump.

Aelin heard shoes on stone and quickly stifled her wand, pressing up against a corner. Another wand's light beamed through the halls and Aelin caught a flash of green robes in a reflection off a knight's helmet- Rowan? Well whoever it was, it was a student, so there was no point in hiding. Aelin stepped out from the corner startling the student who was a few inches taller than Rowan. There was only one person taller than Rowan- besides Hagrid- Lorcan. Sure enough, moments later Aelin recognized his dark hair and sharp features.

"Hello." He drawled, shining the light in her face.  "You're Ashryver's little cousin aren't you?"

Aelin opened her mouth to tell him to fuck off, but he interrupted. "I heard Rowan was too much of a coward to make any moves on you."

He closed the distance between them, making Aelin uncomfortably aware of how tall he was.

He swooped down whispering in her ear, "If you wish I could finish what he started."

A growl echo against the stone walls, but it was not her's. Lorcan was yanked back from her. 

"Fuck off, Lorcan." the voice said, pushing him back down the corridor.

Lorcan only laughed darkly, "Remember. If you don't, I will." before continuing down the corridor. 


Aelin raised her arm shining her wand in the man's face, and as she expected, Rowan stood there a hand  shielding his eyes.

She sighed, keeping the light on his face.

"What are you doing wandering around, the trophy room is that way." he said squinting, pointing down the corridor she had came from. 

Aelin bit her lip, "I was coming to make sure you didn't get lost on your way there.", she said lowering her wand to the ground.

Rowan raised his eyebrows.

"Plus, Aedion thought you might not show." 

Rowan growled and there was a moment of silence where he just stared into her eyes.

Aelin swallowed, "Where is he going?", she asked, gesturing to where Lorcan had disappeared.

He huffed a laugh and walked past her down the corridor to the trophy room. 

Glaring at his back she hurried to his side. 

"Well?" she said, this wasn't how he usually acted with her. He was being a closed off prick.

"I don't know where." he replied blandly.

Aelin let out an annoyed breath, "Aren't you friends with him?"

Rowan shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged.

As they walked in silence her anger grew. 

She stopped and turned to him, crossing her arms. He halted a step in front of her. Aelin smiled sweetly up at him, "Do you mind telling me why Aedion was under the impression that we fucked and how he knew I was with you in the common room?"

The color drained from his face and he knew he was in deep shit.

"I- I was just messing with him- it was mostly Lorcan." Rowan said, finally attentive, he took a step back so he stood in front of her. 

"Oh?" she said peering at him "And why did your fucking with him, have to include you lying about fucking me?"

He blushed and opened his mouth but she continued, "And don't blame it on your friend." Aelin sneered.


Rowan swallowed. He was in such shit, all for some crap he said to piss Aedion off. 

"Aelin." he started, trying to gather his words."I'm sorry, it was jerky move, I was just was tired of all your cousin's shit. And I'm sorry, it was stupid, I just wanted to piss him off."

He didn't bother clarifying that he never actually said they had had sex, because he knew what he had been insinuating. And was just praying he hadn't fucked everything up.

Aelin pursed her lips and rolled her eyes, shaking her head. 

He bit his lip, "But I swear I didn't say anything like that to anyone else." 

"Fine." she said walking away.

Oh shit. He had definitely fucked up. 


I'm not very happy with this, and I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to update.... : P

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