Part 1/3 A broken kingdom and a shattered heart

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Legends were told, that once upon a time, for a long time ago. There was an united kingdom where Light and Darkness lived together. Nemo, the ruler of Darkness married to the beautiful Beatha, ruler of Light. Both living in harmony in their wide and great kingdom. Even though the ruler of darkness had a dark heart he still felt love for his wife.

Some time later after the seventh bloodmoon they got their first born baby daughter, princess Lushia. Lushia was a happy girl who spread love and light to the people in their kingdom. Her hair looked like polished gold and her eyes were blue as the sky. She even had the ability to move a fireball on the sky during certain times. And then it became to be called sun. But Lushia still needed to sleep so the giant fireball had to slowly disappear from the horizon during some points in time. And the sky turned grey and everything lost its colors. It wasn't dark or light. But only grey. But it didn't matter, the people were happy. And they lived like this for another 1100 years.

Later on a new baby was born. And for his dark hair and dark eyes he was named Praherah. The boy in the name of Praherah had a different power than princess Lushia, he could bring darkness and a white dead sun to the dark and dreadful sky with some white glowing dots. The people called the white dead sun for Moon and the dark times that he brought for nighttime.

Lushia and Praherah became friends quickly and they created beautiful things such as sunrises and sundowns. The father, knowing that his son possessed the same great power as him made him feel very proud. Therefore he refused to do anything stupid in the presence of the people. After all, he did change his heart when he married Beatha. But even after all that, the people of the kingdom felt fear for the darkness. They felt the same feeling as the dark kingdom slaves felt a thousand years ago before the marriage of darkness and light. Before everything changed there was only an evil dictatorship over the people ruled by the cruel Darkness.

The feeling that scared the slaves long time ago, the fear of fallen slaves long before them. The constant feeling of shivers through your spine and the sense that someone is watching you. True terror and fear had taken a step deeper into the multitude of people because soon they started remembering the hard work of their ancestors.

This fear that kept growing made deeper roots of hate and anger inside of their hearts. Soon they started to blame the young child for their daily problems. Even if this child was innocent the people refused to believe otherwise. But it wasn't really serious until Nemo and Beatha got some news about a group attempting to murder their son in various ways such as by poisoning his food.

Beatha made the outside world take as little contact as possible with her children but still keeping the day and Night cykles alive.

But it wasn't enough for Nemo:
- "And these peasants love more the pathetic sunlight more than my son's beautiful night!? How dare they!?" - He said everytime he saw the sun come up. And every day his love began dying in a dark hole meanwhile his hate and anger began growing deeper into his soul.

. . .

Time passed but suddenly queen Beatha had an idea. During 205 years after the boy's birth she let the boy do chores such as cleaning the halls, cook food, take care of the royal horses, and so on. So that he could show the people his kind and humble heart. But after time the son got tired for each day that passed since the chores kept growing. Soon the moon got more rarely seen than his sister's sun.

The father after waiting for changes in the way the people treated his son could not see any changes whatsoever. Once again he let his heart turn dark and cold as he did many years before marrying Beatha. Soon his heart had turned as black as coal and colder than the frozen lakes of north.

-"Is this the path you took for my son?! I see that THIS path is not meant for him! My son deserves better! Look at the people and see how they are treating him! They see him as a peasant and not as royalty, he eats with the dogs while his sister eats in golden plates! Is this really the path you have chosen for him to follow, my dear? Is your plan to satisfy the people by bringing less night that brings darkness with it? So that the people may "sleep" the night and darkness away? I gave it a chance before but now I shall no longer tolerate this! How much longer do you believe I can endure of this pain?! As of royal blood he is, still the crown is not within his reach. So please let me just set him free from this injustice!"- He said to his wife day after day.

But his wife only decline each and every day. Because she thought letting Praherah get his role as prince again would only split the heathy kingdom again. But what she didn't knew was that this decision only made the consequences grow stronger. Because this decision made Nemo's heart get cracks and slowly breaking into pieces.
Nemo, desperate to not break to his old self did everything at his power to keep control of his actions. Thus in a desperate attempt to fix his heart he decided to fix it with clean hate... And it worked, because his wounds were replaced with hate instead of love. But temporary solutions aren't always the best choices. This hate slowly grew inside of his heart and made him feel hate against his wife and daughter... Because now he had lost the love he once had felt for them.

Everything Nemo knew as "love" had been erased and now the only thing that meant was to "hurt" the people whom had hurt him and his son. A division between the kingdom of darkness and kingdom of Light occurred. Both of them had been split and now they could no longer be put together.

A war had started and Nemo was standing, quiet, on the battlegrounds to destroy everything that was left from the once united kingdom. He was waiting, waiting to confront the scared people and his once beloved wife.

- "Our master Nemo shall have his son back and he shall bring revenge on all of you! Our enemies shall be crushed because, servers of the light! Listen! You shall all pay for your wrong doings, and gear up because our master has spoken"- Screamed Nemo's loyal armed soldiers in the field of war while they marched to the kingdom where the ruler of Light, Beatha lived.

A trheatening war was near, and the queen had a little time left. Some of Nemo's shadow creatures had already taken over a lot of ground and had taken over their sixth moon, Phentagoria. This brought Beatha to her last backup plan.

With seven light-crystals she rode on her white horse glamorously to the battlefield. And there she met her rage filled husband. She noticed the dark eyes and the deep hate this man had inside of him. But it was too late to save him, he was too far gone...

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