Part 2/3. The pain for justice

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There they were, watching each other carefully until the ruler of darkness started a silent attack against the queen. The queen tried to defend herself by lifting her shield up. High up into the sky, almost blinding her opponent. Making Nemo miss by a millimeter.

. . .

There was an endless fight where none seemed to be losing or winning. Their attacks were perfect and their defenses were flawless. But the queen fearing the worst decided to defend their beautiful land from Nemo's deadly strikes by banishing him for ever.

She opened a gate to another dimension with the help of the seven crystals but it didn't work as expected. Nemo got immediately sent into his prison together alongside with her. This land was cold and empty just like Nemo's soul once were. So she felt pity for this land and decided to protect the future people whom could get hurt if this darkness walked freely on this land. So she made Nemo sleep very deeply under an underwater prison. But by doing so the seven crystals faded away and buried themselves under different parts of the mysterious land.

Beatha, looking out on the land that surrounded the underwater prison decided to spread life to the cold and dead lands. So as a falling star she fell from the sky and she landed gracefully on the land to spread life on her path. But without the crystals she could not continue defending this land from evil. She was in her weakest form and could no longer take another step. Still, she needed to protect this land at all cost but there was nothing she could do. So she let the soft soil from the ground pick up the last drop of power in her possession and spread it all out over the island. As her power burnt out she faded to dust and were nowhere to be seen, only the small particles of light, spreading around the land knew the secrets that lied beyond from what the legends truly told. Because she promised that her two children would claim this land as theirs and that they would live here as part of their family legacy.

. . .

Back at homeland when the citizens of the kingdom came out to the battlefield. They only saw nothing but ashes raining from the dark and dreadful sky. There was burnt wood instead of the green forests, there was dark goop instead of fresh water, there were burnt fields instead of to the flowering meadows.

So they brought the news to the young princess and told her about her missing parents. And that they feared the worst. But Lushia, believing that they were still alive made them wait. But several years later when the people realise that neither Beatha or Nemo would return they made Princess Lushia ruler of the new land by taking her mother's place and use her crown as her own. This made the princess take on all responsibilities and duties when she was at the age of 1800 years. But it wasn't only duties she had to be responsible for. Because the people still feared the young hard working Praherah.

Even having Lushia as ruler made the people still "hate" the little boy for his horrible nights and darkness that came with it. They even refused to believe that Praherah was a member of the royal family! No matter how hard he tried to convince them that the "night was meant for good" they only feared it more.

Even if none was going to feel grateful for his night he still tried his best.

-"The resting dark bed of stars shining strong upon the dark and jeweled sky. Having the silvery moon resting above all sorrow and calm stars. Having the mountains sing a soft reflection of stillness. Why won't they say "what a lovely night it is" but says instead "let us run inside, fast, because the night has arrived". Why to fear the moon and instead love sister's day? Aren't my nights as beautiful as her days? What do my sister have that I don't? Light? I can make the stars shine brighter than diamonds! I could make it better... But don't I deserve to be loved too? To be looked up? Why do they then look up to my sister while they look down at me with hate in their eyes? Is this just a simple act of jealousy or is this the act of sister's cruelty and injustice? Because all THEY make me do is work harder and harder even if I'm not worth a criminal's sentence. But still, why have you sister, made me pay the same price and actions as those sentenced to treason?"- He said during the hardest times during his precious nights.

Praherah did not understand why the people hated him so much. So during one of his sister's days he decided to speak with her. But it always got delayed because her sister were always in important meetings. It went like this for 12 full years until her sister DID accepted his request. Just as long time a peasant would had, even if it only meant speaking for 10 seconds in front of Lushia.

His patience had almost broken, his smile had faded away and his years of crying had wounded his heart. But now, he had a chance to break this hate once and for all. So he said during the ONE time:

-" Sister! May you help me end this hate against me. Because I feel pain for each second that goes, may you, wielder of the crown, tell the people that I wish them well? That my nights are for their sake and for their well-being. They do not listen to me, but they do listen to you! Tell them, please, that I am Prince Praherah! Son to Beatha and Nemo! Ruler of night! That I wish them well, will you not?"-

But her sister looking at him with no mercy in her eyes laughed:

- "What are you talking about? Brother? Don't you see? The people fear you because of your night. Even the guards fear everything that has to do with you. Excuse me but this is what's best for us, I'm doing what's best for all of us and this is the path that leads to it. And if this is the only reason WHY you came here to disturb then I will ask you nicely to please go away and to not come back unless you have something important to say!"- She answered and sent him away immediately without giving him a second chance.

Even if young Prahera's tears ran through him, princess Lushia did not show any mercy.

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