Chapter Four

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Wearing a black baseball tee with matching boots and skinny jeans, Teagan stood next to Roman who had on a light blue button up shirt and jeans. Both had fake FBI badges hanging around their necks and photo IDs in their back pockets. He carried the cardboard box that had the tiny toy car inside. That little car was their ticket in.

    "Why did you come?" Roman asks and Teagan looks up at him. "I'm the loud mouth."

    "And you never send a man to do a woman's job," She smirks and the elevator doors open. Both fake agents walk inside and Roman immediately swerves over to the counter where a lady in uniform sat.

    He starts to flirt with her, but because she didn't speak English she gets up and walks over to a man sitting behind her. He gets up and walks over to the counter.

    "How are you, sir? " Teagan speaks up in Portuguese before Roman could make a fool of himself. "I'm Special Agent Wilcox and this is my partner Special Agent O'Conner. US Federal Bureau of Investigation."

    Both agents show the officer their FBI IDs and he looks over them carefully.

    "It says Caucasian," The officer says looking at Roman.

    "That's a tan," Roman improvises. "You know a tan?"

    "Look," Teagan gains the officers attention. "We are working this case and have some evidence here to be held. But I need to go in and check your storage facility first."

    "Nope," the officers says.

    "I know you're a true professional and I respect you, I promise." Roman starts but Teagan interrupts. She sets her elbows on the counter and pushes her arms together to make her boobs look bigger.

    "You know, it looks like you work out a little bit, too." She says gaining his attention. His eyes wander to her chest and they grow wide. "What do you bench, about 350?"

    "Maybe we can make a deal?" He says and she smiles.

    "Name your price," Teagan coos and stands up a little straighter.

    "You can go check out the back," He starts his bargain. "And maybe later, you can come back and we can go check it out, together."

    "Alone?" She asks and he nods. "I'll see you tonight then."

    Teagan beckons Roman to follow her and they make their way to a back door. It's unlocked for them and they set down the box before leaving the room and heading back to the elevator.

    "How did you do that?" Roman asks her. "And how do you know Portuguese?"

    "I went to Harvard for five years and studied languages," She explains as the elevator doors close. "I'm fluent in thirteen languages and am a translator for the largest law firm in LA. I thought I already explained that to you?"

    "You did, but what did you tell him?" He asks.

    "I might have promised him a night he would never forget," She says and his jaw drops to the floor. "Of course I'm not going to show up. I don't know who would want to sleep with that."

    "Wait you have standards?" He asks her and she looks up at him unamused.

    "Yes and before you ask." She looks on ahead as the elevator doors open. "No, you don't make the cut."

     The two fake agents make their way towards the garage where they enter a maroon van.

    "It's done," Teagan says and takes a seat beside Roman.

    "See, I think I make a better special agent than you ever did," Roman says and the girl scoff. "What?"

    "All you did was flub up everything you said," She shakes her head. "I did all the talking."

    "Only because you speak their tongue," He mumbles.

    "You speak Portuguese?" Tej asks and she nods. He looks back at the computer screen. "Damn, that's hot."

    A small blush appears on Teagan's cheeks and she tries to hide it with her hair. Tej turns on his remote control and they all watch as he drives the tiny car throughout the evidence room. There was a camera on top so we could see everything in the room. Of course Roman and Tej start to banter about Tej's driving skills, but it all comes to a stop when Brian notices something.

    "What is that?" Brian asks.

    "Bingo," Tej says and puts the car in a better angle to view the safe.

    "What is that, six by six?" Roman asks.

    "Eight by twelve," Brian corrects, but Teagan corrects him.

    "Seven by eight," She whistles.

    "Fitted with 18 inch thick steel reinforced walls with an insulated copper core to protect against thermal lance," Tej says admiring its beauty. "A Class-3 electronic lock with a surefire Griffin retumbler and a biometric palm scanner."

    "Ten tons of top-of-the-line security," Teagan says.

    "Do I want to know how you know all that?" Brian asks and looks back at the girl.

    "I had a life before you knew me, O'Conner." Tej says and Brian turns back to the screen. "Let's just leave it at that, all right?"

    "She is a beauty though," Teagan says. Tej looks back at the girl. Her eyes wide as she appreciated the workmanship in front of her.

    "A 'beauty' as in 'good'?" Roman asks.

    "'Beauty' as in, she's going to start off playing hard to get." Tej starts using metaphors and turns back to the screen. "Then, no matter how much I caress her, no matter how much I love her, in the end, she still ain't going to give up that ass."

    The boys laugh and Teagan just shakes her head. "It's one of the toughest vaults to crack in the business," She tells them. "We ain't going to get anywhere with her unless we have a duplicate to practice with."

    They were undeniably, screwed.

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