Chapter Three

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The next day Dom, Brian, Han, Roman, Leo, and Santos were all at one of the cash houses in Leblon to kick start the whole thing. When they got back to the base everyone split up in groups to keep track of the money. Teagan and Roman teamed up to watch van number two. they decided to make it an adventure and go to the café across the street.

Teagan takes a bite of her vegan omelet and out of the corner of her eye she spots the black van. She snaps her head up to make sure it was the right van and kicks Roman under the table. He looks up from his pancake dish and gives her a glare. She nods her head out the window and he fully understands why she kicked him.

"Number two is on the move," Roman says into a walkie talkie.

While Teagan is pulling a few Banknotes out of her pocket, they listen to others confirm their vans were on the move.

    "I know y'all said they were consolidating the money somewhere, but, y'all ain't going to believe this." Tej's voice rings through the walkie talkie.

    Roman and Teagan quickly leave the café and meet everyone except for Tej and Mia on a building overlooking the Rio Police Department. All the black vans were driving in to deliver the money.

    "Well, this job just got a whole lot harder," Brian speaks up and Teagan crosses her arms.

    "If he's moving into a police station," Roman says. "He's got some serious brass in his pocket." Teagan hits Roman's bicep for the second time and he lets out an audible groan.

    "Looks like this is going to be a shorter trip than I thought," Santos says.

    "Hell, yeah," His friend Leo agrees. "We can't do this."

    "Can't?" Han asks. "You mean shouldn't."

    "I think this doesn't change a thing," Teagan speaks up and earns a pointed look from Han and the Spanish Brothers.

    "T's right, we stick to the plan." Dom backs her up. Yeah, this was going to be a hard to do heist. But she was never one to back down.

    "Y'all say what?" Roman asks and looks in between us. "This just went from Mission: Impossible, to Mission: In-freaking-sanity."

    They all look at him and he just waves his hand and starts to walk away. "Whatever, man!" He shouts. "I ain't scared, I'm just letting you all know, going in that building is crazy."

    "I got this," Brian runs off after him.

    "Ride or die, remember?" Teagan mutters under her breath just loud enough for everyone to hear. A smile creeps onto Dom's face while everyone else take harsh breaths of air. This certainly was a ride or die type of mission.


Back at the warehouse, Teagan sat in between Tej and Roman at a large table where we would figure out the game plan.

    "The beauty of public offices?" Mia says as she walks in. She spreads out a map of the police station and everyone leans in close to study it. "Public records."

    "This is where he's keeping the money," Brian points to a small safe in the center of the building. "The vault in the evidence room."

    "Um, yeah. Can I get everyone's attention, right here, for a second?" Tej speaks up and they all look at the mumbling boy. "We're talking about breaking into a police station. Is anyone listening to those words? Anybody? Popo? Five-O. One-time. Pigs. People we don't like."

    "You know police stations are designed to keep people in," Han says. "Not out."

    "That's why it's a stealth mission," Brian says. "We'll be in and out before they even knew we were there."

    "Well, we'll need to get eyes in there," Dom says and points to the map. "At least to find out the make and model of that vault."

    "So the vault," Roman says then starts to mumble to himself. "So who's going to do all this?" He waves a hand over the map. Everyone looks at Roman and he snaps his head up. "What do you mean? Why me?"

    "Because you got the biggest mouth," Teagan snickers.

    "That's for damn sure," Brian agrees.

    Everyone then goes their separate ways to get ready for part two. Dom pulls Teagan aside to give her her mission.

    "I want you to join Roman about getting inside," He tells her. She gives him a curious look of why he would want her to do that. "I've kept tabs on you since you got out. I'm happy you're sister is okay, but I'm sorry about your mom."

    "Thanks," She says not knowing how to react to that.

    "You are fluent in thirteen languages," He exclaims. "So if anyone was to weasel their way in, besides Roman, it's you."

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