Chapter Five

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Back at the warehouse, Teagan had changed into a dark green tank top showing off the back side of her shoulders which revealed part of a larger floral tattoo. She got it right after leaving the group ten years ago. She's used to covering it up, but now she was with a group a people she knew wouldn't judge her for it.

    She currently sat on a table of sorts next to Han, while the others were around another table with the public records of the police station devising a plan.

    "Assuming, you breach the safe," Mia starts off. "How the hell do we get in?"

    "Yeah, I've been thinking about the way in," Brian says and leans onto the table. "The wall to the evidence room, that's alarmed. So that's not happening. Then we got this one here but there's a guard shack outside. So that's no good. This one, this one shares a wall with the basement bathroom."

    "So what about the money?" Roman asks chewing on a graham cracker. "That's going to be some heavy shit to move."

    "You're talking about five ton cash weight," Han says and eats another chip. Where was he getting the chips?

    "Yeah, but that's the thing about the bathroom," Brian says. "It's got a vent that leads to the parking garage. All we got to do is pop that vent and pass the money through to some waiting cars."

    "Leo, Santo," Dom shouts and they all look at the two. "You're up."


    While Leo and Santo were at the police station figuring a way in, Teagan sat on a platform fidgeting with the promise ring that rested on her ring finger on her left hand. She couldn't stop thinking about how she left Riley so easily. Dom was family, yes, but so was Riley. Riley was her new family, and she made it all on her own. They even had a pet cat named Boomer.

    Riley would not stop calling her. He was worried about his girlfriend, and she didn't blame him. She left without a word, no note, or text telling him she's okay.

    Her phone goes off and she sighs as she pulls it from her back pocket. Seeing Riley's name she hovers over the decline button for a second before making a split second decision and answering it. She doesn't say anything, except she holds it to her ear.

    "Teagan?" His voice rings through the phone. "Are you there?"

    She places a hand on her mouth, concealing the sob that wanted to come. Why did she answer the damn thing? She didn't want to get him involved in any of this.

    "Babe," His voice cracks. "Everyone is looking for you. You've been gone for five days. Just say something so I know you're okay... please."

    She sits there for a second debating on what to say. Quickly shaking her head she beings the phone to her lap and presses the red button ending the call. Feeling the tears brim her eyes, she stands up and quickly walks off from the prying eyes.

    Tej watches as the girl stops and her shoulders start to heave. He goes to try and comfort her, but Dom presses a hand on his shoulder. Nodding to him, Tej backs off to let Dom handle the situation.

    Dom then sets a hand on the girls shoulder and her tear stained face turns to him. His heart falls as he watches his little sister's tears fall freely from her eyes. The blonde lets out a sob before wrapping her arms around his torso. His go over her shoulders in a comforting embrace.

    "Just wait," He tells the girl. "In a week or so, you'll be in his arms and have ten million dollars on your hip."

    She chuckles a little and pulls away from him. She wipes under her eyes getting rid of all the tears and lets out a harsh sigh.

    "That's the thing," She says. "I don't want to go back and get him involved in all of this. He was and is the most pure thing in my life right now. But because I answer that damn call, I might never have him again."

    "Yes, you will," Dom reassures the girl. "Go pick him up and the two of you can go wherever you want. Away from the government and to a new beginning."

    "Got it!" Mia shouts. "We got it!"

    Dom and Teagan run over to the computer screen. Teagan takes a stand next to Tej earning a concerned glance from him but she just shakes it off.

    "We're looking at four cameras," Brian says.

    "That's some high end shit too," Han points out. "Marker optics.

"Hundred degree field of view," Teagan explains. "Ten seconds oscillation."

"That's a narrow window, man," Brian says.

"Can't we just tap in and replace the image?" Gisele asks.

"Nah, it's hooked into a digital sync," Tej answers. "They would know we were in the system. The best we could do is peek."

"We're going to need some real fast cars to get through this," Roman says and Teagan looks closer at the monitors.

"Not just fast," She speaks up and starts to point at screens. "You got a hard right and a hairpin. We're going to need something agile."

"You guys mock up a track," Dom says and they all look at him. "O'Conner. Let's go get some cars."

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