Assassins Of Yesterday - 15

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~~ What if she's right? ~~

**Fagan Jorim's P.O.V**

The man turned in his seat and smiled at me as I sat there, smiling until my mouth hurt. "You excited?" I nod ecstatically. "I finally get to see my mom and dad after these two years. I'm happy." Mr. Barnes nodded, a sudden expression overtaking his face. One that I was unfamiliar with. It was almost as if he was sad and possibly, regretful. But why?

We arrive at the driveway of my parents where, surprisingly, mounts of cars were parked and I prepare my belongings, gathering them in my arms. Maybe they are throwing a party to welcome me back home. I smile at the thought. My parents have always expressed their love but I still couldn't shake off the feeling that sometimes they weren't honest with me. And I didn't like that feeling.

I dash out of the car, leaving Mr. Barnes to yell after me and I burst in through the doors. "Mom! Dad!"

Men surrounded my parents and my mom was screaming at me. I couldn't do anything because all I know is that I was out, enveloped in darkness.

* * * * * * * * * *

My head was pounding at a very alarming rate and I lost all feeling of my body. My fingers felt heavy and numb and my neck was hurting like crazy at the disturbing angle I was lying in. The light temporarily blinded me and I couldn't help but wonder why I was asleep on the ground.

And then it hit me. Memories flooded my mind as I tried to process it all in. I was running through the door, my mom was tied up and crying, and that is everything I remember.

I craned my neck, instantly relieving the tense bones that had become compacted and I groan as I ran my fingers over a growing, swollen bump in the lower part of my crown. When I pressed down on it, I felt a painful tingle hit my head which made me scrunch my eyes and cry out. I was in pain. Pain so immeasurable I was sure I was going to die.

And then someone banged the door open.

A voice boomed through the room I was in and I had to cover my ears to prevent the noise from making me dizzy. "Stop." I whimper as rough knuckles wrap around my collar and snatch me up. "You're a pathetic excuse. Did you really think we weren't going to find you when you left like a coward? You assassins are pitiful excuses."

He roughly shoves me onto the ground and I feel the tears building up. Assassins? "I'm not what you say I am. I'm only a normal boy. My p-parents would not w-work in something l-like t-that." The tip of a shoe dug into my stomach, underneath my ribs and I coughed out as more tears poured. His fingers then tangled with my dark hair. "You're a sorry piece of shit. Did you really think your parents tell you everything."

I nod. "They wouldn't l-lie to m-me." A calloused fist hit me in my cheek, leaving a burning tingle to spread over my cheekbone and eye. I could already feel the blood compounding and my skin swelling. "You're too stupid. Ma!!"

It was silent for a few seconds when dread filled my entire body. Heels clicked and I could make out the sound of something being dragged. The steps were slow and timed. Almost as if the woman walking knew that the longer she'd take, the more distress would fill me. But I couldn't help but wonder if the boy was right. Did my parents actually lie to me? No, they wouldn't. We promised each other we would forever remain truthful to each other.

The door creaked open and a woman with golden hair, almost blonde, strolled in with an axe dragged behind her. I couldn't control my breathing. It was almost as if I already knew that the sharp end could dig into my body at any given time and rip all the bones away with no regret.

Gulping, I gazed up at the woman only to meet eyes with her. Her blue eyes held a certain type of mischief and I only remember seeing this happen once. It was when I had entered my parent's room and they were talking really softly. My dad had said something to her and my mom had giggled and her eyes sparkled.

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