Assassins Of Yesterday - 17

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~~ You're a true devil Williams. ~~

"We need to leave now!!" Fagan shifted to swing the pregnant woman onto his arms, allowing for the woman's weight to fall on him. Jessica faced Matthew; her face full of concern at the situation. She took the duffel bag Matthew handed to her. "What's going on?"

Matthew chuckled dryly. "Oh you know, the usual. Just got off the security tape. Two vehicles are headed here and from the looks of it, they are ready for what seems as an extraction. Did I mention they were charging a machine gun?"

Jessica glared harshly at the man. "No need for sarcasm-" The sound of a fist pounding on the door cut them off and Jessica reached for her gun, releasing the safety. "Come get her Bitch!!"

"Fire! Fire!!"

Bullets plowed through the walls, and the assassins took cover while Fagan led the pregnant woman out of the house. Bullets ripped through the kitchen walls near Jessica and Matthew tackled her down, covering her body with his to protect her from the amount of dust and bullet residue from falling on her. Jessica became uncomfortable the moment the man did this but she brushed the feeling off and focused on their current situation.

"We need to find Jorim and get out!" Matthew faced, flinching at another batch of dust. "Agreed!!"

Outside, Fagan was covering the pregnant. The bullets were penetrating the trees and ground beside them from the inside of the house. Dirt floated in the air; dust had also seemingly been produced from the unceasing shooting. "Come on," he grunted.

Taking her hand, he led her all the way around her home to their car that was parked a few feet away from the house. He caught sight of Jessica and Matthew rushing after them, covering their heads with their arms and occasionally shooting behind them. Fagan opened the back door, shoving the woman inside as he jumped onto her to protect her from the bullets directing towards them.

He watched Matthew go around to the driver's seat and jump in. Jessica hastily ripped the open door and cowered behind it. The woman was furious at how stressed she was and in rage, she recharged her gun. "Hey!!" She aimed the gun and began to shoot mercilessly.

Shooting relentlessly, the assassins forgot to count her bullets and she found herself pulling the trigger but it only clicked. "Fuck!!" she spat as she attempted to get into the car but a bullet incision into her arm and another into her thighs, causing her to cry out in pain and fall. Fagan quickly opened his door and pulled the trigger of his gun to cover Jessica.

Jessica was harshly yanked into the passenger seat by Matthew and she slammed the door shut, Fagan quickly followed pursuit. Matthew turned the vehicle on and began to drive away, but not before launching a grenade at the house.

Jessica applied pressure onto her thigh to stop the bleeding but the pain was pulsing through her body, firing her up. Unable to contain the rage and pain, Jessica punched the storage compartment, causing sharp tingles to spread around her already bruised knuckles. "What the hell Williams?!" She sharply looked at him. "Hell, it hurts Smith!!"

The man simply rolled his eyes. "Satan can't get you out of this pain. Too bad."

"What happened to fatherly love Satan?"

"You're a true devil Williams."

"Why thank you. Will you let me go back to attending my throbbing arm?"

Matthew grunted at the woman's behavior. He knew it hurt but she was over exaggerating. "Hag." Jessica sharply faced him, disbelief shook inside her. She most definitely knew that she had nothing in comparison with an old woman. For one, she was only 27. Swiftly, she flicked out her knife and slashed the skin of his biceps, earning a constricted hiss from him. "Why?"

"Hag." she retorted.

* * * * * * * * * *

And now here she was, muttering all curse words known to man as Mrs. Jackson struggled to get the bullet out. Jessica was drinking gulps of strong liquor to numb the pain but she was beginning to regret the decision. Everything was becoming blurry and fuzzy within her but she had managed to refrain from passing out.

"I'll do it." Fagan exasperated. He flicked out his penknife, causing Jessica's eyes to widen. What is he- Fagan slashed the cut Mrs. Jackson had put in and the bullet gracefully fell out. "Your very welcome," Fagan said with a bow and a nod of his head.

"My savior." Jessica joked drowsily, finally giving up the fight against the liquor's effect. Matthew went behind her and helped her stand up. "Come one. You lost too much blood and I think you need to sleep it off." Jessica's eyes rolled and she leaned into the man as support. I shouldn't have drunk that much, was all she could think. Then her son made his way into her mind.

"What about Jacob?"

Matthew sighed. He was already a step ahead. He was sure that they would have Jacob with them in no less than 36 hours. "Fagan and I are tracking him down. We'll have him with us soon enough. Don't worry about him."

"How can I not? That's my son you jackass."

"He's your son Williams. He's been taught by the best. Which is why you shouldn't worry about him. He's going to make it out alive."

"I'm afraid of what Phoenix will do to him."

"Don't be. Jacob is a strong kid. Don't worry." Jessica gazed upon Matthew sincere expression. I think it's the alcohol. They reached a spare bedroom and Matthew opened it, leading the woman to the bed. Jessica didn't know if what she was feeling was real or an effect from the amount of alcohol consumed. But whatever she was feeling, she needed to spell it out to Matthew. Sober or not.

* * * * * * * * * *

1007 Words

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